From Carpenters to Hollywood Stars: The Journey of Juan Teisaire and Other Prominent Personalities

2023-06-17 22:10:00

Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Angelina Jolie y Lady Gaga They are undoubtedly one of the most prominent personalities in Hollywood, with several awards and international recognition. But, before becoming the stars that I am today, they were also students, precisely of the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, one of the most prestigious acting schools in the world. Among the names of the students that appear on those walls is also that of Juan Teisaire, an Argentine who all his life dreamed of becoming an actor, but who also learned to build – literally – the tables where he took his first steps. in dialogue with THE NATION he remembered his beginnings as carpentertalked regarding his life in New York and the movie he filmed with a movie great.

Juan was born 26 years ago in Buenos Aires. According to what his mother told him, when he was 8 he participated in a concert at school where he sang “Help!” The Beatles with a plastic guitar and there “a flame caught on him”.

As he got older, he started reading acting books, but it wasn’t until he did a musical his senior year in high school, where he acted with Valentina Zenerewhen he knew for sure that this “little flame” was no longer so small and burned with the desire to continue on that path.

Juan Teisaire is 26 years old, an actor and has lived in New York since 2019Gentileza Juan Teisaire

However, her love for singing and acting was complemented by something else: carpentry, his father’s trade. “When he was a boy, I helped him by holding a hammer and passing things to him, later he taught me to cut a board without cutting my hand, and that’s how I progressed and helped him more and more. In the last house that he built, which is where he lives now, I worked a lot, ”Juan told THE NATION.

While going to school, he helped his father on weekends. After graduating in 2014, she did full time. “They were very dense years where He worked as a carpenter in the morning, went to college at night, and the rest of the time he took classes in musical comedy, theater, and singing.”.

Although he never believed that carpentry was going to be his future project, it was something he enjoyed: “I was terrific because created something out of nothingbut I started to have more fun creating other more performance-oriented things.”

Juan worked as a carpenter, a profession that his father inheritedInstagram @juanteisaire

John auditioned for CAST, a project offered by Telefe to find and promote new talent, and was selected among thousands of applicants. “I went three times a week almost all day, and times began to get complicated. in 2017 I stayed in the Nickelodeon series Kally’s Mashup and I said ‘no more carpentry and business administration, because I’m almost working on this’”. In between while he passed by The voicerecorded commercials and began to bite “the bug” to continue his career abroad, so he began to find out and apply until finally the great opportunity arrived.

His family understood him and supported his decision to dedicate himself to what he loves. In 2019, Juan arrived in New York to train in Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. There, in addition, he won the award for best actor in the Strasberg Festival for his work on “Cortado”, his first short film, which he also wrote and directed. He completed two years of college and graduated with honors..

In 2017 Juan joined the cast of the youth series Kally’s Mashup as Willy MeyerGentileza Juan Teisaire

You study here but you don’t know anyone, so you have to start from very low. While I was studying I started making short films for free so that they would know me and I might have material. I was advancing from shorts of lower to higher quality. By the time I was able to work legally, I already knew a lot of peoplehad a manager and an agent. Two months following finishing my degree, I recorded a documentary for Investigation Discovery (ID) and short films Before you Go y New Drugs”.

But, what he did not know at that moment was that the great opportunity for which he had prepared so much would arrive so soon: to play Trevor in the film If that mockingbird don’t singwhere shared cast with Kevin Corrigannothing more and nothing less than the actor of one of his favorite movies: The Departure.

In the movie If that mockingbird don’t sing, Juan shares the cast with Kevin Corrigan (Photo: Instagram @juanteisaire / pitanzaphoto)

“The director of this film, Sadie Bones, he took drama classes to see what it’s like to be an actor. He studied in the same place as me and when he saw me he told me that he believed he had a role for me. We did a script reading and I was”, he recounted without being able to contain his emotion.

“I finally got to a place where I can say ‘I’m an actor, that’s my job’”. Although he enjoys everything that happens to him, he remains cautious until he finally sees himself on the screen, something that he estimates will happen next year and hopes that this will mean a big leap in his career.

Juan Teisaire left Argentina to pursue a dream and today lives in New YorkGENTILEZA Juan Teisaire

In 2019 Juan settled in New York. Although the stay was not -and is not- easy, and “one thing is to go on vacation and another very different is to live”, the experience made him do his own X-ray of the Big Apple. For him, “it is not a State, but a country” in itself: “You walk three blocks and hear 47 languages ​​and see 1000 faces. Everyone brings their own, it’s a city full of different things and I think that makes coming here very impressive”. This particular site combines what mobilizes you and drives you to continue despite being uprooted.

Juan Teisaire was born in Buenos Aires and in 2019, following working as a carpenter, he emigrated to the United States to train as an actor.Gentileza Juan Teisaire

“From my point of view, what is good regarding it is that it is a city that is advancing very quickly. The push it has, that thing If you walk slowly, the one behind asks your permissionIt is an attitude that I have loved all my life. If you want to relax a bit, the city does not allow it”, he reflected, although he also assured that sometimes that “is shocking”.

There is another matter that in his personal case was very beneficial. Beyond the fact that some warn that job opportunities in the entertainment world for Latinos are not the same, for him it was the opposite. “I am very sure and confident that we have a passion, a blood for being social that others do not and that is reflected. I’m sorry, I believe it, and several directors I’ve worked with have told me so.”

Juan Teisaire, the Argentine actor who triumphs in New YorkInstagram @juanteisaire

Today, that child who sang the songs from Los Beatles y Queen at school events, he thanks his mother, an English teacher, for encouraging him to see Harry Potter in their original language, something that is useful not only for their profession but also for the place where they live.

Although he returned to Argentina in 2022 to see the World Cup in Qatar, he feels and reaffirms that he is in New York. Currently, she rents an apartment in Harlem where, little by little, he managed to have everything he needs: “Today if I move I have to hire a freight, before I put everything in the suitcase”.

Juan Teisaire traveled to Argentina in 2022 to enjoy the World Cup with his family and friendsInstagram @juanteisaire

At the age of 26, Juan found that being in front of the cameras is what he enjoys the most, although the job his father inherited from him, the one that allowed him to build much of his future, is also present. “My friends here know that I am ‘the carpenter’. If something breaks, they have me. I’m in handyman”, he concluded with a laugh.

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