From Cakes to Cereals: Understanding the Impact of Sugar on Your Body and How to Reduce Consumption

2023-09-08 12:02:00

From cakes to cereals to soft drinks: In numerous foods sugar is present. As the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food postulated, the Per capita consumption in 2021 at around 34.8 kilograms. If you want to reduce your sugar consumption, this can have a positive impact your health affect. What does sugar do to your body and how do you manage to eat less sugar in your everyday life?

Why sugar can be a problem

Going by one Per capita consumption of 34.8 kg per year, it is daily regarding a lot of 95 Gramm Sugar that everyone consumes. Is recommended less than the half this amount. Both the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) as well as the German Diabetes Society (DDG) and the German Obesity Society (DAG) are in favor of one Maximum quantity of 50 grams sugar out. The recommendation applies to all sugar. This includes both so-called Mono- and disaccharidesthat manufacturers or consumers add to food, as well as naturally occurring Sugar in honey, syrups, fruit juice concentrates and fruit juices. But why is sugar even a problem?

The effect of sugar on the body

Some sugar compounds are extremely useful for us. They provide us with a lot of energy and are important building blocks of our metabolism. This includes the sugar molecules completely natural component of foods such as fruit or grains. However, the free sugars that are found in cakes, syrups or juice endanger your health. With Sugar-sweetened foods As a rule, they give you a lot of energy in the form of calories, but little or no essential nutrients. Frequent and high sugar consumption can therefore lead to you eating one thing every day Calorie excess eat and gain weight. The energy that added sugar gives you usually only lasts for a very short time. So in the long term, sugar doesn’t make you feel energized; tired Condition.

Risks from too much sugar

Like the DGE, the DDG and the DAG in their consensus paper from 2018, there is a connection between high and frequent sugar consumption and various health problems. This includes, among other things Overweight or obesity. Being overweight increases this Risk of disease such as diabetes mellitus type 1, cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer, fatty liver and the creation of Zahnkaries. The possible secondary illnesses are not only a burden for you, but also for them national health system. As the consensus paper explains, the direct costs of the complications resulting from excessive and frequent sugar intake in Germany are estimated at 8.6 billion euros in 2008.

The benefits of giving up sugar

Improved energy and mood

High and frequent sugar consumption can lead to Lack of motivation and energy feel. This is because while sugar gives you a quick boost of energy, it also wears off quickly. Your blood sugar levels rises and falls rapidly, resulting in an energy deficit. As a result, you feel tired. If you avoid sugar, you will probably initially lack some energy. Food cravings and a strong desire for sweets are not uncommon. However, if you want to benefit from the positive effects on your health, you should keep up.

Try to eat wholesome, balanced meals. These will keep you full for a long time and provide you with all the nutrients you need. Fresh fruit can help you with your sweet cravings. Despite the naturally contained fructose, the fruit is a good alternative that also provides you with vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. A positive effect can following just a few days adjust: You feel general fitter, healthier and more energetic. This is because your blood sugar levels are stabilizing once more. When you consume too much sugar, your insulin levels skyrocket. Your body is pouring Insulin out of. The hormone is responsible for regulating blood sugar and glucose storage. Through a permanently increased Insulin levels is the Fat burning blocked. If you eat less sugar, weight loss is easier.

Positive effects on the skin and the immune system

High and frequent sugar consumption is associated with immunodeficiency connected. An excess of sugar can in particular silent inflammation support financially. These are inflammations that do not cause noticeable symptoms. They are considered Risk factor for numerous diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes and intestinal diseases. A low-sugar diet can counteract silent inflammation. In addition, the immune system can be stimulated once more through a diet with little or no sugar anti-inflammatory works and the heart and vessels are protected from the consequences of silent inflammation.

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There is also a high sugar consumption cell renewal slows down, your skin can age faster, look dull and pale. Skin blemishes are also not uncommon. If you avoid sugar, it will have an effect positive for your skin complexion out of. Your skin can shine once more and appear fresher.

Sugar detection in food

has sugar numerous functions in food production. It is not only used to sweeten, but also to preserve and change texture, consistency and color. So you find sugar not just in sweet foods like cake or gummy bears. Sugar is also often contained in savory sauces, muesli and ready meals. You will always find one on the packaging of a food in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 1169/2011 Nutritional declaration. Here you can see how many grams of sugar there are in 100 grams or 100 milliliters. The information allows you to determine the sugar content of different foods compare and to choose the one with less or no sugar. Sugar intake in Germany is currently well above the recommended maximum amount.

However, there are various ways to consume less sugar in everyday life. So that you can avoid sugar, it is first important to recognize it in the food. Sugar doesn’t just mean sugar: it has many different names. These include sucrose, dextrose, raffinose, glucose, fructose syrup or fructose-glucose syrup, glucose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup or corn syrup, caramel syrup, lactose and maltose or malt extract/barley malt extract.

A lot of sugar is hidden in these foods:

Dried fruit Muesli Sauces and dips Fruit yoghurt Soft drinks Low-fat products Canned fruit and vegetables Bread Energy drink Ready meals Products made from processed meat Juices

Tips and advice for a sugar-free diet

Alternatives to sugar in the diet

Become in Germany fruit juices like to drink. It is usually found in this and also in numerous other soft drinks such as lemonades a lot of added sugar. Try to avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and instead drink water or unsweetened teas. As part of a wholesome diet, you should increase your intake fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grain products be respected. If you avoid highly processed foods, you will generally consume a lot less sugar. Even with children Care should be taken not to feed them foods that contain a lot of sugar. Otherwise you may get used to it. You can have cakes, desserts or other sweets self made and only sweeten a little. You can find numerous ones online sugar-free recipes.

Challenges and dealing with sugar withdrawal

If you often eat heavily sweetened products, this will lead to your… preference for sweets is very high. On the other hand, the stimulus threshold also increases. This means that you need more and more sugar to make it sweet enough for you. If you want to reduce your sugar consumption, it is important to do so piece by piece to reduce. This makes it easier for you and you don’t feel like you have to go without everything.

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If you have previously consumed a lot of sugar, you may experience physical problems. Possible withdrawal symptoms include headaches, fatigue, problems concentrating, mood swings and irritability. How long the Withdrawal symptoms stopping varies from person to person. Your body will initially repeatedly report cravings for sweets. You can counteract this with some low-sugar fruit, for example. After just a few days of a sugar-free diet, your blood sugar level will stabilize once more.

You will … yourself more energetic feel, experience flavors more intensely once more and have to struggle less with skin problems. If you feel restless and low in mood, you might Sport do well. A walk or bike ride in the fresh air can also help improve your mood. It usually takes a few months until you no longer miss the sugar.


Reducing your sugar intake influences your health positive. The risk of becoming overweight or obese or developing a secondary illness as a result of excessive and frequent sugar consumption decreases. There are many different ways to replace foods high in sugar. Do you cook more for yourself and pay attention? fresh foodthis will have a positive effect on your sugar consumption.

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