The soap opera ‘I Am Betty, the Ugly’ remains a cultural phenomenon, even decades after its premiere in 1999. The story follows Beatriz Pinzón Solano, an intelligent but physically unattractive woman who struggles to earn her place in a world where ugly people have no space.
Among the many memorable characters left by the series, one that captured the viewers’ attention was Rolando, the attractive boyfriend of Ecomoda designer Hugo Lombardi, played by Argentine actor Diego Vicanco.
What is Diego Vicanco’s life like, Hugo’s boyfriend in Betty the Ugly?
Diego Vicanco, a graduate in Image and Sound from the University of Buenos Aires, decided to venture to Colombia, where he found a new home and an opportunity to develop his acting career. His first notable appearance was in ‘Francisco, el matemático’, followed by his role in ‘I Am Betty, the Ugly’. Despite the success, Vicanco discovered that his true passion lay in writing, moving away from acting to focus on screenwriting.
Currently, Diego Vicanco resides in Colombia, where he has established a successful career as a screenwriter for film and television. In addition, he is the father of Milagros, the result of his love with model Juliana Robledo Reyes.
Although his time on screen was brief, Diego Vicanco has left an indelible mark on Colombian television and continues to be an inspiring figure for those who fondly remember the successful Colombian production.