From behind the scenes of his date with Milei at the Colón to the reason why there was no first kiss


This week, the name of Amalia “Yuyito” González took over social media and headlines in all media: on Tuesday night, the former vedette appeared next to the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, in one of the most prominent boxes at the Teatro Colón. Sitting together, they enjoyed Georges Bizet’s opera Carmen, and then went their separate ways. This Saturday night, as a guest on Mirtha’s night, the host spoke about her relationship with the libertarian, revealed details of their date, and faced Chiqui’s spicy questions.

Yuyito González was the central figure of Mirtha’s latest dinner. Other participants in the program included Beto Casella, Fabián Medina Flores, and Ana Rosenfeld.StoryLab

What a week you’ve had!“ exclaimed Legrand as soon as the show began, with his eyes fixed on Yuyito, who nodded. “The trip to the Colón was impressive,” he added.Yes, and it was done very discreetly.“González reacted, but at the table, they immediately questioned her statement.Well, the arrival, the departure, everything was discreet.“She insisted, mentioning that they arrived separately at the theater and she was accompanied by people she trusted.

We had met at Luna Park“ I was very excited to see her,” the host also remembered. She recalled her participation in the major event held by Milei last May to present his book. On that occasion, she drew attention because of her privileged spot in the audience: she sat next to Sandra Pettovello, the Minister of Human Capital, and close to Victoria Villaruel, the vice president. Although she mentioned that she personally arranged the invitation as a journalist at that time, this time it was different. “He personally called me to go to the Colón,” she revealed.

Javier Milei’s video with Yuyito González at the Teatro Colón. Capture: X/ @maxilegnani

In the middle of the former vedette’s story, Mirtha surprised everyone with an unknown fact. “You were in the box that Eva Perón used,” she stated, “I don’t know what you mean,” responded González, surprised. “It’s the first box, up on the right. So for a moment, you were in Eva’s place. Only Chiqui will tell you,” she joked. “I really didn’t know,” Yuyito added, continuing her story. With a hint of mischief, she explained that since the lyrics of the opera translation were above the stage and she had to lean in to read, she took the opportunity to get a little closer to Milei. “Well, I positioned myself there, what can I say?” she replied, unable to contain her laughter.

“I’m going to ask you a question that no one has asked you,” the host continued with the next topic of interest. Did they applaud or boo the President? Or was it mixed? Tell me the truth,” she inquired about the public’s reaction to seeing them at the Colón. “There was a lot of applause,” she stated, and confessed that during the break, while they were dining in a room, some attendees at the banquet mentioned that there was “80 percent applause and 20 percent no applause.” “Kind of like ahh. Not too much either. But you could tell there was a difference in the audience,” she admitted.

As they discussed the applause Mirtha typically receives at the Colón, Beto Casella turned to Yuyito, who had been listening attentively, and asked a surprising question. “Is there an erotic tension?” the journalist inquired. The arrival of the menu saved Yuyito from an immediate response.

Thoughtful as always, Mirtha later revisited Casella’s question. “Is there sexual tension?” she rephrased. At that moment, the journalist clarified what he meant by “sexual tension” by leaning towards Ana Rosenfeld, who was sitting next to him, and whispering in her ear. It did occur, but I didn’t see it that way the former vedette remarked. She also admitted finding him attractive and recalled receiving heavy criticism when she made that comment in an interview on his show when he was still a candidate.

During the evening, Yuyito also talked about Fatima Florez, Milei’s ex-girlfriend. “Did you have a falling out with her?” Chiqui inquired. “No,” she categorically replied, mentioning they never spoke on the phone either. “I don’t know her personally, and I have a lot of respect for her. Journalists have been asking me about it lately, and I politely declined discussing that topic,” she clarified. Once the Fátima topic was concluded, Mirtha then asked about Karina Milei. “Are you friends with the President’s sister?” she questioned.No. Not friends. I met her at Luna, we greeted each other, and she seemed like a nice lady. I wished she had been at the Colón the other day. She was supposed to be there. she shared.

The topic of Yuyito and Milei’s date was prevalent throughout the show. After chatting with Fabian Medina Flores, Mirtha linked the fashion issue with the former vedette’s outing and returned to the subject. “Tell me, did you go out with the president in that neckline?” she questioned. “Not yet,” she admitted. “Protocol-wise, no, but if I go out one night on my own, what do you suggest?” González threw the ball back to Chiqui’s court.If God gave you that body, dear,” Casella encouraged her. “But not too much cleavage,” Legrand corrected.

What I want, Amalia, is for you to be happy. Do you know why? Because you are a very good person. You are loved in the environment. I am not saying this because you went out with the President, eh,” Legrand complimented her. Yuyito returned the compliment with some inside information for Mirtha: “Some journalists asked me after the Colón if there was another upcoming date, and there wasn’t. But when they asked me if I would accept another invitation, I said ‘yes, of course.’ So what happened? Phone call. ‘When I return from Paris, I’ll invite you to dinner,’” she revealed. Later, she mentioned that they haven’t exchanged messages yet and that they haven’t kissed. “There was no kiss because we left separately. And I went home,” she concluded.

After discussing the current political and economic situation at the table, Yuyito González defended Milei’s character. “What I see in him is a person who does not deceive, and a person who does not deceive and does what he says he will do.” she highlighted. She then described the libertarian as “a person with conviction and tremendous courage.”You have to endure blows, criticism, and boycotts,” she added. “They say he has little tolerance for opposition, for adversity. He fired about fifty people,” Casella mentioned. Not letting it go, Yuyito stood up for him. “Is it a lack of tolerance or is it that he is someone who knows where he is going and needs others to accompany him there? Otherwise, it’s a waste of time. Not only for him but for everyone else,” she argued.

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Yuyito González: Her Recent Media Spotlight with Javier Milei

Amalia “Yuyito” González made headlines this week as she appeared alongside President of the Nation, Javier Milei, at the prestigious Teatro Colón. The former vedette was seen enjoying Georges Bizet’s opera, Carmen, with Milei before they went their separate ways. This unexpected sighting sparked curiosity and media frenzy, leading to her appearance on Mirtha’s night, where she opened up about her relationship with the libertarian and shared intriguing details about their time together.

Amalia’s Social Night Details

During her appearance on the show, Yuyito shared insights into her experience at the Colón and her interactions with Milei. The duo was spotted in one of the prominent boxes at the theatre, reminiscent of historical figures like Eva Perón. As the night unfolded, Yuyito revealed some playful moments between her and Milei, including hiding their closeness from the audience while watching the opera.

When asked about the public’s reaction to their presence, Yuyito mentioned that there was a mix of applause and silence, hinting at the divided opinions surrounding their outing. Despite the spotlight on their relationship, Yuyito maintained a lighthearted and playful demeanor throughout the show, engaging with the host and fellow guests.

Insights into Yuyito and Milei’s Connection

As the conversation delved deeper, Yuyito addressed questions about her dynamic with Milei, shedding light on their interactions and past experiences. From attending Milei’s book presentation to sharing moments at public events, Yuyito’s recollections painted a vivid picture of their evolving friendship.

Additionally, Yuyito addressed rumors and speculations surrounding Milei’s past relationships, providing clarity on her stance and respecting privacy when discussing sensitive topics. Her candor and honesty during the show reflected her genuine nature and commitment to authenticity in the public eye.

Yuyito’s Perspective on Milei’s Character

During the show, Yuyito expressed admiration for Milei’s principles and unwavering convictions, highlighting his transparency and dedication to his beliefs. She defended Milei against criticism, citing his courage and persistence in the face of challenges.

Yuyito’s insights into Milei’s persona offered a unique perspective on the political figure, showcasing her support and understanding of his decisions. Her loyalty and admiration for Milei resonated throughout the evening, emphasizing their bond and shared values.

Reflecting on Yuyito and Milei’s Future

As the show concluded, Yuyito hinted at potential future outings with Milei, leaving the audience curious about their next rendezvous. Despite the public interest in their relationship, Yuyito maintained a sense of humor and grace, navigating the media attention with poise and charm.

Overall, Yuyito’s appearance on Mirtha’s night provided intriguing insights into her relationship with Milei and showcased her charismatic personality in the spotlight. Her candid responses and engaging anecdotes captured the audience’s attention, making for a memorable and entertaining evening.



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