From Albania to America for the art of mozzarella, Jetmir Zeneli’s US dream – Il Mattino

He has an “American” dream Jetmir Zenelia 45 year old Albanian (25 years in Italy), who works in a dairy company in Caserta. That of opening a dairy in America (where his brother Jeshar, his first teacher, is already making mozzarella, while two other brothers, Gazmir and Aleko, have catering businesses also in the USA) but not only a place of production and sales, the goal is to spread knowledge of the product starting from burrata and mozzarella and telling its story.


He would like a place in America where he can work but also spread the culture of good buffalo mozzarella. Being a cheesemaker like one of his brothers but his desire is to teach Americans the art of buffalo mozzarella from Campania by following its entire production process with the different steps to make it. «My brother makes burrata and mozzarella in America and they are really excellent, you eat them and it feels like you are in Campania, they are like the ones I make here», explains Jetmir.

In short, he would like to share what he has learned, having taken courses to become a cheesemaker out of passion. A passion that has become a job. “From Albania to Caserta and then to America, a dream that I hope will come true soon,” explains Jetmir.

The Zeneli family has a very particular story, made of sacrifices and a lot of determination. It is no coincidence that one of his brothers, Gazmir, is a master pizza chef, in 2015 he was world champion in New York for the Stg pizza in the Caputo trophy and with his pizzeria in New Haven, Connecticut (about an hour from New York) this year he reached 37th place in the prestigious ranking of the 50 Top Pizza USA guide.



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