Fringe benefit/ No distinction “with or without children”: the hypothesis (September 5, 2024)

I fringe benefit could become “one thing” and without distinction between workers with and without children. A piece of news that would make everyone who has a regular work contract happy (regardless of the nature and time).

The maneuver for 2025 would like to remodel be it the maximum ceiling of workers who potentially enjoy fringe benefits but also the beneficiaries who were able to access the increase. A measure dictated in light of theanalysis of its effects.

Fringe benefits for all: hypotheses for 2025

Among the hypotheses in the 2025 Budget on fringe benefit there is talk of being able to broaden the group of beneficiaries and to allocate the maximum ceiling Between 1.500€ e 2.000€ (instead of one thousand euros) also to workers who they have no dependent children.

“Compensation in kind” is an excellent solution to facilitate and incentivize workers by promoting discounts, benefits or full refund also on renton household utilities and even – in some cases – on the interest paid on a mortgage.

For those who pass the maximum ceiling il risk is to find the entire benefits subjected in the entire taxation (and not just for the excess part).

Within mid-October the actual outcome of the measure will be known (period in which the next economic maneuver will be officially presented).

The other measures in the budget

The extension e the expansion fringe benefits even for non-parents are almost certain solutions. The Budget for 2025 also discusses the possibility of including the super tax deduction al 120%.

This maxi tax deduction It could be intended for all those companies that, in order to increase their workforce, decide to hire new resources and with a one-year contract indefinite period.

It is approved cut of the tax wedge which will be distributed as follows: up to 7 points for income from work up to 25 thousand euros; and of 6 percentage points for those with an income of up to 35 thousand euros.



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