Friday, August 30th News Roundup

  • A second blackout was recorded in less than 72 hours in the country. Brazilian President Lula declared that he does not recognize Nicolás Maduro’s victory despite the TSJ ruling. And the rector of the CNE Juan Carlos Delpino questioned the version of the hacking.

On Friday, August 30, a second blackout was recorded in less than 72 hours, affecting a large part of the national territory. For his part, Juan Carlos Delpino, head of the National Electoral Council (CNE), issued new statements in which he casts doubt on the version of the hacking of the electoral body’s system.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva insisted that he does not recognize the electoral victory of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. In the United States, former president and Republican candidate Donald Trump filed an appeal to transfer his case to a federal court in New York.

In other news, we learned about the death of Javier Acosta, a 36-year-old Colombian young man who requested euthansia due to a degenerative disease caused by a bacteria.

Below are the highlights of Friday, August 30:

Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

And new blackout The power outage occurred during the early hours of Friday, August 30, in Caracas and several states of the country. Reports indicate that the power outage began at 4:40 am on Friday.

The power shortage caused queues at some service stations and, in some hospitals, contingency plans were activated to deal with the situation.

At around 2:00 pm, social media users reported that the service was partially restored in some sectors of Greater Caracas.

The Minister of Communications and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, attributed the situation to a “new electrical sabotage” that affected a large part of the national territory.

Lula da Silva described the veto of Corina Yoris' candidacy as
Photo: EFE

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva insisted on August 30 that does not recognize the electoral victory of his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, despite the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to certify the results of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and clarified that it does not endorse the victory of opposition candidate Edmundo González.

During an interview with Brazilian radio, Lula said that he does not “question” the Supreme Court of Justice, which validated Maduro’s victory, but explained that, in his opinion, this institution is not the appropriate one to resolve the dispute.

“President Maduro did not listen to the National Electoral Council (CNE) and went straight to the Supreme Court. He should go through the Council, which was created for that purpose,” he said.

The Brazilian president said there was “no evidence” of a Maduro victory, but clarified that he did not recognize opposition candidate Edmundo González as the winner of the July 28 elections.

Photo: EFE

Juan Carlos Delpino, principal rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), indicated on August 30 that he did not believes that the electoral institution system “hacked” during the presidential elections on July 28.

“I have elements of a technical nature (…) and there is clear evidence that the hacking could never have occurred,” the official told Noticias Caracol.

Delpino said that the country is experiencing a “terrible situation of uncertainty” that was “not resolved” by the ruling of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), the institution that confirmed the CNE announcement on Maduro’s reelection.

Javier Acosta, the Colombian Millonarios fan who underwent euthanasia due to a serious illness
Photo: Archive

Javier Acosta, a 36-year-old Colombian, He was euthanized on Friday, August 30 due to suffering from a degenerative disease, which recently worsened.

Acosta’s story has been heard around the world. Also, because he was a fan of the Millonarios team from Colombia, hundreds of fans and hooligans of the capital team came to the doors of the San Ignacio hospital in Bogotá to say goodbye and accompany him during the procedure.

“My name is Javier Acosta, I am a Millonarios fan and yesterday I made a decision for my life. Today I say goodbye to friends and family in style,” the young man posted on his social media.

Acosta’s health worsened because he contracted a bacteria in a pool that caused a serious infection that reached his bones, a disease that they were unable to control and he ended up developing blood cancer, as he told Caracol News.

5. Donald Trump tries to take his New York criminal case to federal court

Presidential debate: Biden and Trump reach lowest audience in 20 years
Photo: EFE

Former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump sought to move his criminal case to federal court in New York, United States, in a request filed shortly before his sentencing, scheduled for September 18.

It is a last-ditch effort by the billionaire to avoid sentencing in state court in his bribery trial, in which he was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal.

The chain CNN Trump is expected to learn his sentence less than two months before the presidential election, in which he will face Democrat Kamala Harris, the report said.

In The Diary We present you a summary of the most important information of the day, which you should know at the national and international level.

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#Friday #August #30th #News #Roundup
2024-08-31 07:41:08



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