Friday, August 16 News Summary

Friday, August 16 News Summary
  • The Command with Venezuela announced the meeting point for August 17 in Caracas. The EU and more than 20 countries demanded the verification of the results of the elections in Venezuela. Venezuelan cyclist Daniela Larreal died | Main photo: EFE

On Friday, August 16, the Command with Venezuela announced the meeting point for August 17 in Caracas. In addition, the National College of Journalists (CNP) criticized the persecution of the personnel of Venezuelan Television (VTV) and National Radio of Venezuela (RNV).

At the international level, the European Union and more than 20 countries have demanded impartial verification of the results of the elections in Venezuela. Meanwhile, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, president of Brazil, has warned that the Venezuelan government has an “authoritarian tendency.”

In addition, Argentina has assured that it does not support the holding of new elections in Venezuela. And a non-governmental organization (NGO) warned that the political crisis in Venezuela could increase migration.

In sports, Venezuelan cyclist Daniela Larreal died.

Below are the most relevant news from Friday, August 16:

The Command with Venezuela announced on Friday, August 16, the meeting point for the August 17 rally in Caracas.

The demonstration will take place on Francisco de Miranda Avenue, near the Líder shopping center, in La California Norte, starting at 10:00 am.

The call made by opposition leaders is for a worldwide protest, in which the inhabitants of all the states of Venezuela and Venezuelan migrants who are abroad will participate.

Photo: Command with Venezuela

2. The EU and more than 20 countries demanded verification of the results of the elections in Venezuela

The European Union and 22 countries requested on Friday, August 16, the “immediate publication of all the original minutes” of the July 28 elections in Venezuela and the “impartial” and “independent” verification of the results of those elections, in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Nicolás Maduro the winner, according to a statement signed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Friday, August 16 News Summary

Any delay in this verification calls into question the officially published results,” says the text, read by the Dominican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Álvarez, at the Presidential Palace in Santo Domingo together with the signatories of the declaration.

The declaration was signed by Argentina, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the United Kingdom, Suriname, Portugal, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and the European Union.

#WeExplainTheDay | Friday, August 16
Photo: EFE

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said on Friday, August 16, that Venezuela “lives under a very unpleasant regime, with an authoritarian tendency,” although he stopped short of calling it a “dictatorship.” He also again demanded that the minutes of the July 28 electoral process be published.

“The opposition says it won, Maduro says he won and I can only recognize that the process was democratic if they present the evidence,” Lula da Silva said in an interview with the Brazilian radio station Gaucho Radio.

The Brazilian president commented on the contrary reaction of Maduro and the opposition to the suggestion he made on August 15 to hold new elections if a result is not recognized.

Lula Da Silva: “Maduro has to learn that when you win, you stay and when you lose, you leave”
Photo: EFE

He Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) announced on Friday, August 16, an expansion of the current monetary cone with the inclusion of two banknotes.

The agency detailed through social media that the new coins are the 200-bolivar and 500-bolivar bills, which will begin to circulate gradually throughout the country.

The new banknotes have on their obverse the image of the three most iconic representations of Simón Bolívar and, on the reverse, a representation of the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo, and the Rafael Urdaneta bridge, in Zulia.

5. CNP criticized the persecution of VTV and RNV staff

On Friday, August 16, the CPN criticized the harassment and persecution of staff of state media outlets VTV and RNV.

The journalists’ union supported the press workers and technical staff of both communication channels, after they were fired for allegedly expressing their political opinion.

“From the National College of Journalists we reject the political persecution and criminalization established in State institutions such as VTV and National Radio against journalists and technical personnel, for exercising their right to express themselves freely, as established by the Constitution,” reads the publication that the CNP made through X.

The Argentine government expressed its disagreement on Friday, August 16, with the holding of new elections as a way out of the political crisis in Venezuela following the elections of July 28, which according to official results declared Nicolás Maduro the winner and in which, according to Argentina, there was fraud.

“It is clear that we consider, I have already said it here, we consider who was the winner of the elections and we have a clear position regarding that and we do not see that there is a reason for there to be new elections in Venezuela,” said the spokesman for the Argentine Presidency, Manuel Adorni, in his usual press conference at the Casa Rosada (headquarters of the Executive).

Argentina was one of the first to call the CNE results that gave Maduro the victory a “fraud” and a “scam,” and last week officially recognized the opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, as the “undisputed winner” of the elections.

Argentina recognized Edmundo González as the winner of the presidential elections in Venezuela
Photo: EFE

The Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland, said on Friday, August 16, that a political and democratic agreement in Venezuela is crucial because failure to achieve one will worsen the migration crisis.

“The next few weeks will be crucial and there is a chance that things will improve in Venezuela,” he told the agency. EFE The representative said that if agreements are signed, migration would decrease and Venezuelans who already live abroad would return, but if not, they would be forced to continue fleeing their country.

Egeland stressed that Colombia would play an “important role” in the event of another large wave of migration as the first host country for this population. This week, the official visited Necoclí and Urabá, two of the last towns through which migrants pass before entering the Darién Gap on their way to North America.

Venezuelans on their way to the United States risk their lives and the little they have by going to Panama through the dangerous Darien jungle, the NGO secretary added, and many agree that “they have lost hope for a better life in their country.”

Colombia will require passports from Venezuelans: what is known
Photo: Colombian Migration

Venezuelan cyclist Daniela Larreal died on Friday, August 16, as confirmed by the Venezuelan Olympic Committee (COV) and the Venezuelan Cycling Federation through their social networks.

“The board of directors of the Venezuelan Cycling Federation (Feveciclismo), chaired by Eliezer Rojas, joins in the mourning that Venezuelan cycling is experiencing due to the physical loss of Daniela Larreal. Our most sincere condolences to her family and friends,” said Eliezer Rojas, president of Feveciclismo.

Larreal, originally from Maracaibo, Zulia state, obtained four diplomas in five participations in the Olympic Games (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2012). In addition, she won gold medals in the Pan American Games, South American Games and Alba Games.

#WeExplainTheDay | Friday, August 16
Photo: Venezuelan Olympic Committee

In The Diary We present you a summary of the most important information of the day, which you should know at the national and international level.

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#Friday #August #News #Summary
2024-08-17 19:41:14



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