Frequently Asked Questions – Angina/Cystitis TROD and Dispensing of Antibiotics by Community Pharmacist

Frequently Asked Questions – Angina/Cystitis TROD and Dispensing of Antibiotics by Community Pharmacist

2024-07-30 09:43:15

Prescribers can limit the dispensing of certain drugs based on the completion and results of medical biological examinations or rapid diagnostic directed tests through so-called conditional dispensing prescriptions. When he deems it necessary to use such a prescription, the prescriber indicates on the prescription the medical-biological examination or rapid diagnostic test to be performed, the results to be obtained, authorizes the pharmacist to dispense the said medicine, and, where applicable, the expiry of the order period.

As part of treatment for group A strep throat, this prescription expires up to 7 days from the date of prescription. A statement accompanying the prescription with the generic name of the drug reads: “If TROD angina is positive, within 7 calendar days from now”

In the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis in women, the prescription is accompanied by the generic name of the drug and includes the following instructions: “If urine test is positive.” In the case of cystitis, there is no disappearing period. Applying common law, the order is valid for one year.

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