French video game market: 5.6 billion euros in revenue in 2021, a record –

The Syndicate of Software Publishers (Sell) reported a 13.5% increase in total sales of hardware (PCs, consoles), games and accessories between 2019 and 2021.

“The French have never played so much”

“The year 2020 had been extraordinary, but special due to the context. This growth confirmed in 2021 is part of a real underlying trend. The French have never played so much”commented the president of Sell, Julie Chalmette in the face of a French market for video game which is doing great.

Indeed, last year, an increase in total sales of hardware (PC, consoles), games and accessories of 13.5% was recorded, which generated a turnover of 5.6 billion euros. That’s a 1.6% increase in revenue, reports 20 Minutes.

“A huge reservoir of growth for the years to come”

Last year, 2.37 million consoles (+2.4%) and 991,000 gaming PCs were sold in France. This is equivalent to 795 million euros in revenue. Since 2010 (873 million euros), the console sales grew by 17% in 2021.

console sales “benefit from a huge reservoir of growth for the years to come, because the demand is there”also pointed out Julie Chalmette.

> Our file on the video game.

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