A dozen industrial start-ups among the 120 most dynamic French Tech companies
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The Elysée Palace unveiled on Sunday February 19 the list of 120 start-ups labeled Next40 or French Tech 120. Among them, around ten are part of the world of industry and will benefit from personalized support.
[L’instant tech] The CEA maps nuclear reactors and pyramids using muography
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By exploiting the flow of muons, elementary particles from the upper atmosphere, CEA researchers are developing a 3D mapping system for large and difficult-to-access facilities, such as a nuclear reactor or a pyramid. Their solution must be marketed within the year.
[L’industrie c’est fou] Wilson invents a basketball that doesn’t deflate
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During All-Star Game Weekend 2023, which took place from February 17 to 19 in Salt Lake City (United States), sports equipment manufacturer Wilson unveiled its prototype airless basketball. Printed in 3D and made of specific materials, the Airless offers performance similar to that of a traditional balloon.
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