[French study]Ants can smell cancer in urine Scientist: Hope to make low-cost cancer detection tool- Hong Kong Economic Daily- TOPick – Health – Health Information

According to a French study, ants can detect cancerous tumors in urine samples through their sense of smell.

Ants can also predict cancer? According to a French study, ants can detect cancerous tumors in urine samples through their sense of smell. Researchers expect to use ants as a low-cost and high-efficiency cancer biodetector for cancer screening in the future.

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According to comprehensive foreign media reports, a study published in the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences on January 25 pointed out that ants can detect urine in urine with their keen sense of smell. Tumor smell.

The researchers first used 70 black mountain ants (Formica Fusca) to divide into two groups, and sliced ​​human breast cancer tumor samples, and transplanted them into experimental mice. The researchers then assigned the black mountain ants to be exposed to urine samples from mice with cancerous tumors, and then assigned the ant colonies to be exposed to urine samples from healthy mice. It was found that ants spent 20 percent more time next to urine samples containing cancerous tumors than healthy urine.

Baptiste Piqueret, lead author of the study, noted that the ants simply wanted sugar. Because tumor cells contain volatile organic compounds, researchers can use these compounds as cancer biomarkers, so they can quickly train dogs, or ants, to detect these abnormalities.

The researchers believe that ants may save time in training than dogs. In the future, ants are expected to be used as high-efficiency and cheap cancer biodetectors for cancer screening.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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