French Spelling Reform: Balancing Tradition and Progress

2023-12-12 12:21:10

Last week, PISA results revealed a decline in student performance in mathematics, science and reading. A question then emerges: does spelling play a role in this drop in level? François Heureux, linguistics expert, raises this concern and questions the complexity of French. According to him, spelling reform is crucial to making the language more logical and accessible.

Launched by a collective of dismayed linguists, the discussion on spelling reform is intensifying. This reform regularly comes up in the news. Academic and literary figures from various geographical backgrounds support this initiative, highlighting the need to evolve. Xavier Dessaucy, French teacher, insists on “simplification of the rules, citing the example of complex past participle agreements“.

The main objective of this reform is to make spelling more understandable and to lighten the cognitive load on students. Annick Comblain, professor of speech therapy, underlines “that the French language, with its multiple exceptions, creates an opacity that is difficult to overcome. She believes that simplifying the rules would help make the language more transparent, particularly for children with dyslexic or dysorthographic disorders.“.

Xavier Dessaucy adds another argument in favor of simplification: “Free up teaching time“. According to him, students spend 80 hours needlessly learning complex rules, time which might be better used to develop their expression and critical thinking.

However, significant resistance hinders the implementation of these reforms. Bruno Rochette, professor of ancient languages, expresses his concern regarding “to the preservation of linguistic heritage“. He fears that excessive concessions might lead to a loss of the importance of spelling, thus paving the way for less rigorous linguistic practices, especially on social networks.

Ultimately, the issue of spelling reform goes beyond linguistic debates to become a political issue. No international body has yet emerged to legitimately oversee these changes.

The French Academy, often cited, is criticized for being too French and conservative. Thus, the path to major reform seems blocked by deep-seated resistance and complex political issues.

The challenge therefore remains to reconcile the necessary evolution of the language with the preservation of its rich heritage.

#Spelling #reform #simplification #resistance

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