French Public Demands Tax Cuts: Government Solutions Deemed Insufficient

2023-09-27 14:52:10

In the latest “Opinion en direct” survey by Elabe for BFMTV, a majority of French people believe that the solutions implemented by the government are insufficient.

Faced with rising fuel prices, the French are demanding tax cuts. Given that the price of gasoline is largely made up of taxes, the French believe that this is the lever that must be activated. In the latest poll* “Live Opinion” by Elabe for BFMTV, 76% think that the State must lower them “even if this has the consequence of increasing the public debt even further and this is contrary to the transition ecological”.

This measure is “favored by all categories of the population, in particular by daily motorists (81%), and mainly supported by all electorates including that of Emmanuel Macron (55%)” notes Elabe.

The solutions proposed by the government such as asking distributors to sell at a loss then at cost or even the 100 euro fuel check will change almost nothing, judge the French.

The fuel check is not unanimous

78% of French people consider that selling at a loss is a bad solution, “a figure which can partly be explained by the fear of an upward repercussion on food prices to compensate for this selling at a loss”, according to the polling institute.

And 55% believe that selling at cost price will not significantly improve the price of gasoline. Conversely, 45% think that this measure will improve the situation.

Even the fuel check, which targets the least well-off riders, does not find favor in the eyes of the French. 74% of French people believe that this aid will not significantly help the people concerned and 73% believe that this measure should be extended so that it affects more people.

Finally, if the French, like Emmanuel Macron, say they like the car (73%), 65% of motorists say they would no longer use their car if they had another means of transport which brings the same advantages.

Less positive for the climate, 35% still say that even if they had another means of transport which brings them the same advantages as the car, they would still continue to use it.

The State found responsible

For the State, the judgment is severe. For a very large majority of French people, the main person responsible for rising fuel prices is none other than the State.

71% of them think so, ahead of oil companies like Totalenergies at 62% (two answers were possible). The geopolitical context (at the origin of the recent surge in oil prices) and mass distribution come far behind with 48% and 9%. “The hierarchy of responsibilities is generally identical between the different socio-professional categories and generations” underlines Elabe.

Above all, the efforts made by the government to preserve the purchasing power of motorists are considered clearly insufficient. Thus, 56% of French people believe that the State has not made any effort in recent months while, on the contrary, 79% believe that the grande distribution made efforts (15% a lot and 64% a little). 53% even consider that oil tankers have also contributed to lowering prices (including 11% a lot and 42% a little).

Survey carried out on a sample of 1001 people representative of residents of mainland France aged 18 and over. The representativeness of the sample was ensured using the quota method. Method of collection and field dates Internet survey from September 26 to 27, 2023.

Olivier Chicheportiche Journalist BFM Business

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