French operators are in the top 10 of the cheapest in the world for data

Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free are among the 10 operators offering the cheapest mobile data in the world.

Do you think your mobile bill is too expensive? You will be able to relativize. Because even if the recent increases made at Orange, Bouygues and SFR makes you pester, French operators are among the cheapest in the world. In any case, this is what emerges from ranking established by British price comparator specializing in offers from mobile operators and Internet service providers.

France in the top 10 countries where data is the cheapest has compared the average price of a gigabyte of mobile data by country. To establish its ranking, the comparator relied on some 5,000 data offers offered in 233 countries. The result is an interactive map on which each country compared has been assigned a color corresponding to a defined price range (expressed in dollars). The countries with the lowest average prices for a gigabyte of mobile data are shown in blue, while those with the highest prices are in fuchsia.


By hovering over each country compared, it is possible to obtain its rank in the ranking, the average price of a gigabyte of mobile data, as well as the highest and lowest tariff. The comparator also had the good idea to indicate the number of offers compared, as well as the date on which these prices were recorded.

It thus emerges that France is the 7e country in which mobile data is the cheapest in the world, with an average price of 23 cents per gigabyte. To access the cheaper gigabyte of data, you will need to take out a subscription in Israel (4 cents), Italy (12 cents), San Marino (14 cents), Fiji (15 cents) or India (17 cents). ). If you live on the British island of Saint Helena, you will need to use your mobile data sparingly. It is here that the price of a gigabyte of data is the highest in the world since it is invoiced… 41 dollars!

More generally, the highest prices are concentrated on the American continent where the gigabyte of data is billed on average between 4 and 5 dollars, and in sub-Saharan Africa where it will cost you 4.47 dollars on average. European prices remain fairly contained with an average of 2.72 dollars in Western Europe, and 1.67 dollars in Eastern Europe.

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