French justice examines the personality of Kunti Camara

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Accused of having committed crimes once morest humanity in the 1990s, Kunti Kamara is now before the French courts. On the second day of his trial, the Court examined his character.

With our special correspondent at the Paris Criminal Court, Sebastien Nemeth

« Intelligent », « helpful “, but also ” calm », reserved, even « withdrawn “. This is how his entourage describes Kunti Camara since he moved to France, since the personality investigator might not interview people living in Liberia.

The accused, still in his black jacket, once more listened patiently. In particular, he was able to see two men, Liberians settled in France, defend his case at the bar. ” He was very nice. If you find anyone to speak ill of them, put me in prison for life! said the former president of the Liberians of Normandy. The latter considered that the accusations once morest Kunti Camara had been fabricated by a malicious network, which would have paid people to make false testimonies.

Another Liberian, who knew the accused when he was young and was hosting him in Bobigny when he was arrested, explained that he would never have hosted Kunti Camara if he was a war criminal. ” I cried when I heard these accusations. My father was killed during the war. I too might have taken up arms. I would never have left him with my wife and children said Layi Bamba. The latter says he interviewed acquaintances in Liberia. ” He was just a simple soldier. No one said anything bad regarding him “said this former naturalized refugee.

The former commander of the Ulimo rebels also knows how to defend his case with energy. Pressed by the President of the Court on differences in versions, Kunti Camara regained energy, brandishing his finger, raising his voice. ” Sir, I ask the questions, you answer “retorted firmly the magistrate.

But ultimately, how can there be such a discrepancy between a banal personality and such violent crimes, the court wondered several times? “ Atrocities can be committed in a historical context. No need to be a pervert or a psychopath. And it is then possible to rebuild oneself in the negation“, indicated the expert psychiatrist. Dr Daniel Zagury knows what he is talking regarding. He notably interrogated Rwandan genocidaires. You can go from “Mr. Every Monster to Mr. Everybody“Said the expert, refusing however to say whether Kunti Camara was capable of such crimes.

None of these witnesses knew Kunti Camara directly when he was commander of the Ulimo rebels in the 1990s. Liberia.

Read also Liberia: on the first day of his trial, Kunti Kamara continues to deny en bloc



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