French Energy Consumption: Sobriety Efforts Yield Long-Term Results, Ipsos Poll Shows

2023-06-07 05:44:51

In mid-May, the cumulative consumption of gas and electricity since 1is August 2022 was down 12% compared to 2018-2019. Even following the radiators stopped, the French continued to use less energy than before. A month ago, the manager Electricity transmission network (RTE) noted that the downward effect was diminishing, but remained “significant for this time of year”. A sign that the sobriety efforts implemented during the winter might be long-lasting?

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According to an opinion poll carried out by the Ipsos institute for RTE among a representative sample of more than 11,000 people, the results of which were published on Wednesday July 7, 70% of those questioned said they had lowered the temperature of their less occasionally during the winter, and 51% say they have postponed the use of their household appliances.

“Many gestures have been made and it is estimated that they might be extended, observes Xavier Piechaczyk, Chairman of the Board of RTE. Seventy-six percent of respondents say they have made an effort this winter, and two-thirds of them say it has not been very difficult. And the term sobriety is mostly associated with positive notions. »

“A certain cultural evolution”

As for local authorities, some are beginning to take stock of the efforts put in place to deal with the soaring energy prices in 2022. The city of Grenoble, for example, estimates that various measures, such as the elimination of permanent lighting, the limitation of the temperature to 19 degrees or the switching on of the heating by the users have made it possible to save around 25% of heating and electricity in municipal buildings, generating savings of more than 400,000 euros.

“Some communities that had trouble turning off street lights are now challenged when they leave them on too long, there has been a certain cultural shift, also notes Hélène Gassin, the president of the négaWatt association, which campaigns for sobriety. Some intermediary players, such as chambers of commerce, have also taken up the subject. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Reducing energy consumption by 10% by 2024, an achievable goal according to the négaWatt association

From there to transform the test? For the moment, Hélène Gassin judges that France is still “in the middle of the ford”. “For behavioral changes to take hold, much more sustainable and structural policies will be needed, she explains. We cannot play solely on the moral responsibility of citizens or on their concerns regarding the price. » In the Ipsos survey mentioned, 79% of respondents put forward financial arguments to explain why they have reduced their energy consumption, when only 20% cite the fight once morest global warming.

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