2023-06-14 07:00:00
Yesterday, the Federal Administrative Court collected the city of Freiburg’s fee schedule for resident parking. The Automobile Club of Germany (AvD) welcomed the decision. However, the judges did not criticize the amount of up to 480 euros per year, but led to a legal procedural error and, above all, incomprehensible graduations and reductions for certain cases. For example, the fact that a difference of 50 centimeters in the vehicle length leads to a doubling of the residents’ fee violates the principle of equality. The Leipzig court has nothing to complain regarding at the height itself.
In this context, the AvD complains in principle of a “lack of parking space” in many cities, which should not be to the detriment of residents and retailers. In Freiburg, the fees were increased 15-fold at the end of 2021. It mainly affects lower-income citizens. According to AvD General Secretary Lutz Leif Linden, a price increase of 1,500 percent would be considered “usury” by any commercial enterprise. He also cannot understand the environmental protection argument put forward by the city and some environmental associations: “Parked cars emit nothing, regardless of whether parking costs 30.70 euros or 480 euros a year.”
A Freiburg FDP city councilor had filed the lawsuit following the fees had risen drastically. (awm)
#AvD #welcomes #ruling #resident #parking