Freedom prizes had been awarded to the European Parliament and the dissident P. Plumpa

By the choice of the Lithuanian parliament, two prizes have been awarded – to the European Parliament (EP) and to the dissident Petrus Plumpa.

The Freedom Prize is awarded to the European Parliament for in the present day’s efforts to strengthen democracy, human rights, for the free protection of the precise of peoples to self-determination and the sovereignty of peoples, the fixed pursuit of historic justice, the contribution to help the reason for Lithuania’s freedom and the aim of independence of the Baltic states occupied by the Soviet Union, diplomatic help for the newly impartial state of Lithuania and for the contribution to the combination of Lithuania into the European Union.

Dissident, former political prisoner P. Plumpai was awarded for his deserves within the combat for the liberty and independence of Lithuania.

The prize will encourage additional protection of peoples’ proper to self-determination

“Precisely 41 years in the past – on January 13, 1983 – the European Parliament adopted a decision commemorating the Baltic memorandum and condemning the USSR’s occupation of the Baltic international locations. The decision, which was carefully monitored by the KGB, had an influence not solely in Europe, but in addition in America and Australia. President Ronald Reagan supported the liberation of the Baltic States, and the European Parliament’s decision was broadly circulated in Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and English,” mentioned Paulė Kuzmickienė, chairwoman of the Freedom Prize Fee, on Saturday.

She famous the EP’s continued help for nations preventing for freedom.

“We do not overlook the truth that you’re the first EU chief to go to Kyiv after the Russian invasion,” P. Kuzmickienė mentioned whereas addressing EP President Roberta Metsola. – Simply as we don’t overlook the truth that the European Parliament adopted the instance of the Lithuanian Seimas, recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism. Simply as we don’t overlook the truth that the European Parliament acknowledged the Holodomor in Ukraine as genocide.”

Receiving the Freedom Prize, EP President R. Metsola mentioned that this award is a good honor for the European Parliament.

In accordance with her, the prize will encourage the EP to proceed supporting the precise of self-determination of different nations, democracy, to defend Europe, in addition to to supply all types of help to Ukraine.

“Ukraine wants a real and simply peace primarily based on freedom, dignity and integrity. Ukraine should contribute to our household to be able to strengthen and shield its future and, on the identical time, the safety of all of us,” mentioned R. Metsola within the Seimas of Lithuania.

She mentioned that the 14 Lithuanian residents who died in the course of the occasions of January should not solely Lithuanian, but in addition European heroes.

“These are symbols of freedom and democracy,” mentioned the pinnacle of the EP.

A fighter since childhood

Whereas presenting the opposite laureate of the prize, a participant in unarmed resistance to the Soviet regime, a political prisoner, P. Plumpas, a collaborator of “Lietuvos Katalikų bažinchios kronikos”, the pinnacle of the Freedom Prize Fee mentioned that she was speaking in regards to the conscience of Lithuania.

In accordance with P.Kuzmickienė, P.Plumpa introduced meals to the partisans on the age of six, fought the Reds with phrases in school together with his friends on the age of twelve, joined the schoolchildren’s anti-Soviet group on the age of sixteen, created “Freedom for Lithuania” on the age of seventeen, swore to combat for the independence of Lithuania in Äžuolyne, on the age of 19, on February 16, 1958 On the eve of the twentieth, he raised the tricolor on the chimney of the Petrašiūnai energy plant, for which he was sentenced to seven years within the Mordovia camp.

After getting back from the camp, Mr. Plumpa rejoined anti-Soviet actions, modified his surname, lived in underground situations, distributed Christian literature and took care of guide publishing, organized greater than 17 thousand “Lithuanian Catholic Memorandum” signed by the folks, contributed to the publishing of “Lithuanian Catholic Church Chronicle” and was once more sentenced to eight years in jail.

“Plumpa was nicknamed “Chameleon” by the Kagebists. Whereas in jail, he was lively within the actions of political prisoners for human rights. And sure, it’s cool. And Petras himself would maybe clarify all his life’s actions as follows: I took an oath, I hold it and I’ve not modified my attitudes”, mentioned P. Kuzmickienė.

In his speech of thanks, Mr. Plumpa paid particular respect to all of the fighters for the liberty of Lithuania – post-war partisans, “whose bones are nonetheless mendacity within the pits of unknown forests and fields”, dissidents of the Soviet period, contributors of the January occasions.

In accordance with him, the blood of the fallen patriots illuminates the souls of extra delicate countrymen, igniting them with noble aspirations and needs.

“The principle reminiscence and respect of this present day belongs to these expensive compatriots who left our land with their blood – on the TV tower, at Medininkai, on the Seimas and elsewhere. No award will repay their sacrifice and no phrases will consolation their family members. It stays solely to sincerely want that they relaxation in peace and that the sunshine of everlasting life shines on them consistently. Let’s be grateful not solely to those that have gone to Eternity, but in addition to those that are preventing a troublesome, bloody, however legit combat for his or her freedom and all of us in Ukraine in the present day!” mentioned the laureate.

The Freedom Prize established by the Seimas evaluates the contribution of people and organizations in selling cross-border cooperation within the combat for the free self-determination and sovereignty of the peoples of Japanese and Central Europe.

The Freedom Prize is normally awarded within the Parliament of Lithuania throughout a solemn commemoration of Defenders of Freedom Day – January 13.

Prize laureates embody Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, outgoing President Valdas Adamkus, Chairman of the Supreme Council-Restorative Seimas, signatory Vytautas Landsbergis, Russian dissident, human rights defender Sergejus Kovaliovas, founding father of the Lithuanian Freedom League, former political prisoner Antanas Terleckas, editor of the underground publication “Lietuvos Publishers of the Catholic Church Chronicle, post-war partisans.

#Freedom #prizes #awarded #European #Parliament #dissident #Plumpa
2024-06-22 02:04:24

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