There is also Elon Musk among those ‘opposed to the arrest – decided by the French authorities – of Pavel Durov, creator and CEO of the messaging app Telegram. An opposition, that of the South African entrepreneur who controls the former social network Twitter, now renamed X, which is part of a global campaign that laments growing limits on freedom of expression.
It is no coincidence that Musk himself reposted a very popular post about X that notes how “the UK is mass arresting citizens for memes, France is arresting the founder of Telegram, Ireland is trying to ban “bad memes”, Brazil is forcing X to flee the country, Australia is trying to censor X posts, the EU is trying to blackmail Elon Musk, the US Department of Justice is jailing people for a meme, in Venezuela Maduro is blocking all access to X”. “Freedom of speech is under attack around the world. Now is the time to fight back”, the post continues. “If they win” – the reference is to alleged global lobbies that want to control politics and the media, the same ones that allegedly supported the nomination of Kamala Harris – “there is no going back”. Hence the support – relaunched several times by Musk himself – for Donald Trump seen as a champion of freedom of expression
#Freedom #speech #risk #Tempo
2024-08-25 21:19:16