Free Medical Services for Elderly People provided by INAPAM: Discover the 12 Specialties and How to Access Them

2023-08-08 12:12:00

Written in NATION on 8/8/2023 06:12 hs

Las elderly people They are a sector of the population that is known as vulnerable, since in many cases they need special attention in all aspects to be able to live the last stretch of their lives with dignity and calm, and it is for this reason that the National Institute of Older Adults (INAPAM) provides all possible benefits to help this sector of the population.

It is worth noting that this institute seeks the integral human development of the elderly people, that is to say, to provide this sector of the population with employment or occupation, fair wages, assistance, and the necessary opportunities to achieve levels of well-being and a high quality of life; and one of these most important assistances of those who enjoy the elderly people affiliated to the institute are assistance in matters of amedical attention.

It should be mentioned that in the case of the medical attention for the elderly people this is one of the most important services for them, that is why it is important to know that in case you require this type of services medical attention in it INAPAM they can give it to you.

It is also important to know that once you are part of this institute you can, at any time, request the services of medical attention of first level that offers the same INAPAM and which is provided by professionals in different medical disciplines.

What are the 12 medical services provided free of charge by INAPAM?

According to El Debate, these health services provided by the INAPAM They are carried out by the University Comprehensive Care Center and offered free of charge to all polder adults general medicine consultations and some also of first level specialties

In case you need this kind of Medical consultations and you do not know which are the specialties with a gerontological approach that the INAPAM offers you below we leave you the list:

Dermatology Electrocardiogram Study Geriatrics Gynecology Homeopathy Nutrition Dentistry Psychology Rehabilitation Rheumatology Thanatology Social Work

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What are the necessary documents to be able to have this benefit?

In order to be a beneficiary of these medical services for free, you must have your INAPAM credential and an appointment book INAPAM; You should also know that these services are totally free, and can only be used by going to the Comprehensive Care Center (CAI) Universidad, located at Av. Universidad No. 150, Narvarte, Benito Juárez, Postal Code 03020, Mexico City.


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