Free HIV Testing in Thailand: Know Your Status and Prevent the Risks of HIV (Rhode AIDS)

2023-10-24 10:08:00

Invite you to check your own status Prevent the risk of HIV (Rhode AIDS) by Thai people having the right to get free testing 2 times a year, along with recommendations for places that provide HIV testing services.

Data from HIV FOR HUB in 2022 found that the Thai population There are 510,000 – 620,000 people infected with HIV (Rhode AIDS) and a total of 11,000 deaths from Rhode AIDS. The top 3 causes are from sexual intercourse between men and men, 68%. Couples with different blood results. 19% and casual partners 7%

Knowing your own status is therefore important. If there is a risk, you should go in for examination and follow up closely. Because Thai people have the right to free AIDS testing 2 times a year and can also receive free treatment if they have a positive blood test. To receive proper treatment by medical experts

HIV status testing is very important. To prevent the severity of smallpox and other diseases.

The risk of AIDS without proper treatment results in low levels of CD4 immune cells, which puts them at risk for smallpox. People infected with smallpox often have a combined immune deficiency (HIV) of up to 40%. People infected with AIDS who also have smallpox have a death rate of up to 15%. Therefore, knowing your status is important. important

Current HIV testing can detect the infection as early as possible, which is within 7-30 days following exposure, depending on the intensity of the infection. There are 3 types of testing as follows: NAT testing can detect the infection following exposure. More than 7 days, Antibody testing can detect infection following more than 21-30 days of exposure, and Fourth Generation testing can detect infection as early as 2 weeks following exposure. However, testing for infection should be repeated following 3 months have passed. for accuracy and prevent inaccurate test results

Anyone with a high-risk status should have their blood tested.

People who have sex without condoms. People who have sex with people they don’t know. People who frequently change sexual partners, people with sexually transmitted diseases, people who touch the skin, pus, bumps, blood from others, people who come into contact with other people’s secretions such as blood, saliva, urine, people who share needles, pregnant women. who come for prenatal care, medical personnel who are at risk of close contact with blood or an infected person has been sexually abused

Where can I get free HIV testing rights?

Thai people can get free AIDS testing 2 times a year, just check your rights from any hospital under the National Health Security System, anonymous clinics, the Thai Red Cross Society, or designated service locations. and all provincial hospitals Just submit your ID card, consisting of:

Hospital under health insurance, Bangrak Medical Center Department of Disease Control Anonymous Clinic Thai Red Cross, Silom Community Clinic, Friend Foundation, Service Employees, Haksa Klang Wiang Clinic, Chiang Mai Province, Rak Puean Clinic, Public Health Service Center, Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand Blue Sky Medical Technology Clinic, M Plus Foundation, M Friends Foundation Community Health Service Center Udon Thani Province Care Mat Chiang Mai Province Act Team Khon Kaen Province

In addition, at present there are two types of options that can help you test yourself for AIDS (HIV) that can be purchased at leading pharmacies nationwide:

Fingerprint blood test kit Results can be known in 1-20 minutes using a test kit using saliva in the mouth. You can know the results in 20 minutes.
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