Free food module for these Cuban provinces in August

Trade authorities in Cuba reported the delivery this week of a free food module for these provinces. What does the donation bring? Two kilograms of rice, four kilograms of grains, three kilograms of pasta and four units of sardines.

The official website of the Ministry of Domestic Trade of Cuba (MINCIN) addressed how the delivery of this free food module is going in the province of Santiago de Cuba, in eastern Cuba. A territory that they prioritized due to the protests of a few months ago, surely.

They detailed that in the province of Santiago de Cuba, a total of 97,079 people were registered in vulnerable situations, including pregnant women and children with nutritional deficiencies, who should receive food modules.

In general, the authorities spoke of using these donated foods to “alleviate the food difficulties in the eastern region.” So, in addition to Santiago de Cuba, other provinces in this area could benefit.

These modules, which generally contain two kilograms of rice, four kilograms of grains, three kilograms of pasta and four units of sardines, are part of the seventh round of distribution organized by the MINCIN authorities.

Free food module distributed in August

Lisandra Cuevas Enrique, director of Merchandise Sales for the Business Group of Commerce (GECI) in Santiago de Cuba, explained that the Cuban state subsidizes the logistics for the storage, distribution and delivery of these donations in the authorized warehouses.

In addition, Enrique Cuevas highlighted that additional donations have also been made, in coordination with the World Food Programme (WFP), specifically aimed at people in vulnerable situations and pregnant women.

These packages contain rice, oil and grains, and are distributed every two months, according to the local MINCIN.

The Consumer Registry Offices (OFICODA) are responsible for certifying the number of pregnant women and underweight people who require this assistance, while the social care and prevention commissions of each municipality, led by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, adjust the number of vulnerable people according to the needs detected.

#Free #food #module #Cuban #provinces #August



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