Gloo walls have become indispensable for Free Fire y Free Fire MAX, and are one of the most important utility items in both offense and defense. They can provide players with great cover, helping them perform actions like reloading their weapons, healing themselves, and even reviving teammates.
Time has made the community of Free Fire Develop numerous tricks related to gloo walls, ensuring better performance on the battlefield. The 360° gloo wall is one of the most prominent tricks and helps players take cover from every possible direction.
FREE FIRE | How to make 360° gloo walls
The ultimate goal of the 360° gloo wall trick is to quickly surround the performer with gloo walls. This might seem like a simple task, but people need to be extremely fast and accurate, as any delays or gaps in their location can cause them to get shot down.
It’s worth noting that you’ll need to focus on several factors before you begin your approach, such as crosshair positioning, HUD modification, and sensitivity settings.
The first thing users need to make sure is that their crosshairs are positioned towards their character’s feet/on the ground. They can quickly crouch down and place the first gloo wall. They must then deploy the others by turning the screen and using the left fire button. Alternatively, players can use the right button instead of the left fire button if they feel comfortable using it. Once the gloo walls have been placed, people will be completely covered and able to perform tasks like healing and more.
Players are advised to play custom room matches together with their friends to improve as it will take some time to master this trick in Free Fire.
FREE FIRE | More considerations
Sensitivity: the sensitivity setting, in particular the ‘General’ setting, should be around the maximum levels for the camera/screen to move quickly. If that is set up properly, players can be covered in gloo walls in no time.
Custom HUD: players must carefully adjust their HUD in Free Fire MAX. It is recommended that you place the fire button next to the crouch button to place the gloo walls in a short time following crouching.
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