Freddy Beleris: He met with Petros Gikourias, candidate for Mayor of Heimarra 2024-07-24 15:41:00

As stated in a related announcement by Mr. Beleris, the ND MEP, he said: “From the first moment, I made it clear that I will not use my parliamentary immunity. Here is my home, here is my life, here is my thinking. If I am not vindicated by the Albanian courts, I will certainly appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.”

“The rule of law in Albania has been irreparably damaged and the Greek ethnic minority has suffered a historic injustice,” he added.

Mr. Beleri expressed his joy at the meeting with the candidate Mayor of Himara, saying that he is a man “who comes from a family with traditions and struggles for Himara” and “who brings his experience from America, his appetite , the courage and strength to fight for the obvious”. “I am proud that he has honored me with his friendship for so many years. I want to wish him the best of luck. I am sure that he will prove to be a worthy child of our Himara”, he added.

Mr. Gikourias, for his part, said: “The fight of Fredis Beleris for Democracy and the Rule of Law is a guide for all of us. And his support for my candidacy is the highest honor for me. Himara now has an MEP. The time has come for him to have a Mayor as of August 4.”

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#Freddy #Beleris #met #Petros #Gikourias #candidate #Mayor #Heimarra



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