Fraudulent ‘Lawyer’ Megan Lalonde Arrested Amid Controversy Over Fake Legal Services

The real Megan Lalonde and her virtual avatar. Sources: Facebook and Instagram

The most famous of fake lawyers has been arrested by police for fraud…

The one who presented herself as the “real fake lawyer” of Quebec is now behind bars.

The Blainville city police service arrested Megan Lalonde on Tuesday afternoon, reports Le Journal de Montréal. She is scheduled to appear via videoconference at the Victoriaville courthouse.

Megan Lalonde was the subject of an arrest warrant from the Sûreté du Québec for not appearing in court on July 8, in an alleged fraud case involving nearly half a million dollars.

At the beginning of the year, the 24-year-old woman hinted on social media that she was a lawyer, despite not being a member of the Bar. Megan Lalonde claimed to have a law degree from Laval University and offered legal services while requesting a cash deposit. She also posted photos and videos of herself in courthouses.

In May, the Bar of Quebec issued a citation, accompanied by a fine of $7,500, following several complaints. The professional order indicated that it was conducting an investigation into the illegal practice of law.

The Bar was able to seek a criminal injunction if Megan Lalonde continued her illegal activities. She could then be cited for contempt of court and risk imprisonment.

On social media, Megan Lalonde projected a false image of herself, a sort of virtual avatar.



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