Fraudsters are grasping at straws: the State of Israel is registered as a corporation

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“In 1948 Israel was incorporated as a corporation…Address London, Kensington…Company registration expires 2023. October 31…”, the message distributed on the Facebook network reads.

Lies about the fact that countries do not exist, but only corporations, have been spread on social networks more than once.

This trend was invented by people who consider themselves “citizens of the USSR”.

The main “proof” that the Russian Federation is not a country, but a private legal entity, is considered by “Citizens of the USSR” to be the information provided on the page of the online company register.

By entering the search phrase “Russian Federation” on this web page the search engine returns many resultswhich refer to Russian local and central authorities.

“Citizens of the USSR” explains that a country cannot be included in the company register and its presence in it proves that Russia is a company.

This registry was established by the US company “Dun & Bradstreet”. As announced by the company itselfnot only companies can be entered in the search system.

It is emphasized that this system will help to find contacts of business partners.

State institutions can also have connections with businesses, so their presence in the register does not at all prove that only companies are presented in the search results.

In this registry included and the “Israeli Corporation”, which is what conspiracy theorists claim Israel is not a state.

Propagators of Lithuanian conspiracy theories also rely on this register of companies, explaining by analogy that Lithuania is not a state, but a closed joint-stock company.

Founding history

At the end of the Second World War, European Jews who had survived the Holocaust rushed to Palestine, but Great Britain did not change immigration restrictions, arresting and deporting those who arrived illegally.

Frustrated by the ineffectiveness of its actions, the British government handed over the fate of Palestine to the United Nations (UN) on 14.02.1947.

In 1947, the United Nations voted for resolution 181also known as the Partition Plan, which sought to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states and entrust Jerusalem to international administration. The Jewish leadership approved the plan, but the Arab side rejected it and it was never implemented.

The following year, the British authorities, unable to stop the conflict, withdrew, and the Jewish leaders on May 14. announced the founding of Israel. This led to the first Arab-Israeli war, as many Palestinians opposed it.

in 1949 the war ended with Israel’s victory, but 750 thousand Palestinians were displaced and the territory was divided into 3 parts: the State of Israel, the West Bank (Jordan River) and the Gaza Strip.

In the following years, tensions in the region increased, especially between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syria. After in 1956 The Suez crisis and Israel’s invasion of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Jordan and Syria signed mutual defense pacts, fearing a possible Israeli military attack.

15min verdict: lie. Israel is not a corporation. The name of the country in the international company register does not prove anything.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

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