Frankfurt: Passenger attacks bus driver with wooden slat in Rödelheim – TAG24

Yesterday, Saturday afternoon, a 21-year-old passenger attacked and injured a bus driver with a wooden slat in Frankfurt-Rödelheim.

Frankfurt am Main – On the afternoon of yesterday Saturday, a 21-year-old passenger in the Frankfurter The 56-year-old bus driver was attacked and injured with a wooden slat in the Rödelheim district.

When the bus arrived at the last stop, the 21-year-old did not want to get off. Then he attacked the bus driver. (Symbolic image) © Arne Dedert/dpa

A spokesman for the Frankfurt police described the incident on Sunday, which had occurred the previous day at around 5 p.m. at the terminus “Bahnhof Rödelheim”.

According to reports, all passengers except the 21-year-old had left the bus.

When he made no attempt to get up and leave the bus, he was approached by the bus driver.

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The man is said to have then hit the glass pane that separates the driver’s cabin from the passenger compartment with a wooden slat that he had with him.

The window shattered and pieces of the glass slightly injured the bus driver on his arm.

Passers-by held the man until the police arrived

The perpetrator was taken to the police station and must now answer for various offenses. (Symbolic image)

The perpetrator was taken to the police station and must now answer for various offenses. (Symbolic image) © Boris Rössler/dpa

Afterwards, the 21-year-old continued to behave very aggressively towards the driver, insulting and abusing him.

Passengers waiting at the bus stop eventually became aware of the situation and came to the bus driver’s aid.

According to the police spokesman, when the attacker tried to escape, witnesses held him until the police arrived.

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The 21-year-old was taken to the police station. He must answer to suspicions of grievous bodily harm, threats, insults and damage to property.



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