Frankfurt (Hesse)– So young and already so dangerous!
Sad climax of a brutal attack that started harmlessly with a water gun! A 10-year-old boy went completely nuts last night and attacked police officers with a knife.
Residents in the settlement on Johann-Klohmann-Strasse (Frankfurt-Sossenheim) reported a disturbance shortly following two o’clock. At first everything sounded like routine work. A police patrol drove to the given address. The police went into the apartment building.
When approaching the reported apartment, the officers saw a boy. He had previously splashed around in the hallway with a harmless water pistol until he saw the police officers. He ran into the apartment, closed the door when he saw the uniformed men. The police officers made themselves known and knocked on the door.
A police spokesman said: “The boy responded by kicking the door from inside, starting to yell loudly and uttering insults and threats. Then he stabbed under the apartment door with a knife.” And the boy went more and more crazy.
According to the police, the boy suddenly opened the door for a short time, threw a kitchen knife in the direction of the officers and closed it once more. He repeated this twice more until the officers used tear gas and stopped the attacks.
Two teenage girls, who had previously locked themselves in a room, took advantage of this moment and were finally able to open the apartment door for the officers. The 10-year-old, who was then seized by the patrol, was initially treated by rescue workers who were called in due to a brief irritation of the respiratory tract. The two youths and the police officer were unharmed in the incident.
A police spokesman: “No legal guardian might be found on site. After admission to a child psychiatric facility was rejected, the boy was handed over to the mother who arrived later.”