Frank Lampard already under the spell of one of his recruits!

Zapping Our Mondial TOP 10: The most profitable transfers in history

He played half an hour against Newcastle, then the entire game against Leeds, Donny van de Beek seems to have already conquered his new coach. Information, relayed by Fabrizio Romanocomes to us from Richard Buxton, an English journalist specializing in the two Liverpool clubs.

Frank Lampard said this about the Dutch midfielder: “ I am absolutely impressed with Donny’s physical form, with his sense of the game. He is a top player. He was when Manchester United signed him… he showed that if you keep your advice there is always a way out. »

Donny van de Beek could see the light at the end of the tunnel, he who has lived through a complicated period at Manchester United since his arrival. Very little used, the former Ajax Amsterdam player could become one of Frank Lampard’s major players by the end of the season.

to summarize

Frank Lampard and Donny van de Beek is a budding love story. The first declared his love for the second and he seems delighted to be able to count him in his workforce. For the Dutchman, this is the perfect opportunity to relaunch.

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