François De Brigode Says Goodbye to RTBF News Anchoring

François De Brigode announced on Thursday evening, at the end of the programme “Jeudi en prime” his departure from presenting the RTBF television news.

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“It’s an idea that’s been brewing in my head for some time. (…) Presenting is an aspect of journalism and I felt that this passion was in danger of disappearing. I didn’t want to do one fight too many.”said the journalist, who has been in the presenter’s chair for 27 years.

François De Brigode will definitively leave the presentation of the news in mid-November and, from next January, will take control of a new cultural program broadcast in prime time on Friday evenings on La Une.

At RTBF since 1985

He joined RTBF as a journalist in 1985, RTBF recalled in a press release broadcast after his announcement on air. “Among the highlights of his career, the evening Bye Bye Belgium remains etched in memories”writes the public service channel. “He hosted many election nights, ensured the establishment of political programs such as Focus, Answer the question, Prime Thursday but also presented many special programs including Stolen children, raped children the day after Julie and Melissa’s funeral. François De Brigode will once again be hosting the election night on October 13, during the local elections. In recent months, François De Brigode has also taken part in cultural events such as Time line on Classic 21 and Crossed Views on Musiq 3 Jazz,” adds RTBF.

Who will succeed De Brigode?

The name of the person who will succeed him as presenter of the 7:30 p.m. news will be announced very soon.

I replaced Jacques Bredael a few times, and then on December 1, 1997, I moved to the news.”. Twenty-five years later, it is still there – the embodiment of serious information on a benchmark segment.

The young Carolo, who was listening Truckers are nice et Impedance, began his career in radio and… at RTL in 1985 before taking and passing (“penultimate”) the RTBF journalism exam (“the holy grail”) in 1987. For twenty-five years, he has burst into our living room to tell us about the world, an uninterrupted story through which he has imposed a style, a voice and a diction.

François De Brigode is not only a journalist, he is also a character – a reassuring figure for some, an annoying emblem for others. The story of his installation in our living room begins with a ringing telephone…Michel Konen, editor-in-chief at the time, called me one evening to tell me that I had been chosen to present the 1 p.m. news, he says. I don’t hesitate, I go for it. RTL launched its 1pm news a long time ago and, after a lot of procrastination, we ended up creating a midday news program. I am one of those who had the very bad idea of ​​putting this news program at 12:45pm. People came to us, watched the main reports and, after ten minutes, switched to the competition. After recognizing our mistake, we put the news program at 1pm. Even today, I think it is more difficult to design a 1pm news program than a 7:30pm news program – the 1pm news program is the news program in the process of being made with a lot of unfinished and last-minute things.

Bye Bye Belgium

Aired on December 13, 2006, Bye Bye Belgiuma media event that shook the country, continues to inspire commentary. It is undoubtedly the most significant event of his career.In 2004, the people of Strip-tease call me, they explain that they have something to offer me. I go to see them and I understand that there is already an atmosphere of secrecy. They take hours to give birth to the thing, and they ask me if I would agree to present a real fake newspaper. It’s quite confusing, but in principle I agree. Where I immediately say no is when they propose to broadcast this real fake newspaper at 7:30 p.m. Crazy stuff, really. The day after the broadcast, I found myself in the position of the accused in front of two hundred cameras from all over the world, I felt a little uncomfortable. Even today, there are people I hang out with who don’t agree with this show and say that we cheated on the ethics. I don’t regret anything, and I’m proud of it, even if we almost got fired or shelved. What hurt me was the CSA notification for “violation of human dignity”, especially since, surreally, I had to read on air a text that resembled my own conviction. Later, we will be attacked again by claiming that we were the initiators of the fake news, when it was not fake news, but a hoax, a prank.

Other highlights

When you present the news, you are professional but never really unmoved – even if you try not to show anything on screen.I was affected by the Brussels attacks, we still say to ourselves “it’s next door to my house”. In addition, our colleague Michel Visart lost his daughter in the metro attack, and the man – whose grief is a daily occurrence – was exemplary. At the start of the Covid crisis, I was also very impressed by a report from our correspondent in Italy, Valérie Dupont. A subject where we see bodies lying on their stomachs and in which a nurse says: “I don’t know what I’m for, I don’t know if any of these patients will come out alive”. Very emotional! In the afternoon, we witness a spectacular rise in the numbers here, broadcasting Valérie’s subject could sow panic, but we decide to invite Marius Gilbert… The subject is toned down by the intervention on set of Marius Gilbert who – at that moment – knows that he has a responsibility. The Dutroux affair also particularly affects me because we had to learn lessons from it: in the excitement and haste, we made certain mistakes.

The importance of image

I don’t really like going outside my professional framework and my role, which must be strict. I don’t like to get involved in everything. I have respect for entertainment and for what Ophélie Fontana does as part of the Viva For Life operation, but it’s not my thing at all. Image is very important. We all have our share of daily hassles, but whatever happens in our private lives, whether we’ve had a good day or a complicated day, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:05 p.m., we have to be impeccable. The newspaper is based on such a concern for perfection that we can’t appear out of shape or tired. When we present the newspaper, it’s a constraint, but it’s not negative. And if I happen to complain, I think of my father when he told me “it’s still less hard than going down to the mine”. That says it all…

The evolution of the profession

“The competition is the information itself. The flow is so tight that we always have to stick to the news and we do fewer polished stories. The point is not to give the information, the point is to know how we are going to give it and how we are going to analyze it. As for social networks – I am not on Twitter, I do not see the point – they have diminished the scouting function of journalists, even if I believe that many people still need traditional media. Finally, to return to my place in the team, I have supporters and opponents, I even have enemies, but I prefer it because there is nothing worse than smooth people. Everyone has the right to make mistakes, and from time to time, I make mistakes.

Influence and Ambition

Seen from the outside, François De Brigode gives off the image of a news boss, a sort of boss who would lay down the law in his own home. However, he is only the tenant of the seat from which he tells the world.You could say that I have influence over the news. After twenty-five years, thank goodness I have some! But the news is a collective effort. I have a little power of influence, but I obviously don’t decide on the seventeen subjects in the news.“As for his ambition, his desire to become a manager, he cuts it short and explains why he is not going for it.”I saw my father, who was an architect very connected to the social, become director of La Cambre Architecture and I saw him over time become marked. One day, I asked him what was wrong and he answered me: “I no longer do my job”. He ended up resigning. It taught me a lesson, but it may also have paralyzed me in the register of ambition.

– What impact has François De Brigode had on ⁣Belgian journalism during his‌ 27 years at RTBF?

François De​ Brigode Bids Farewell to RTBF News after 27 Years:​ A Legendary Career Comes to an⁣ End

In a⁢ shocking announcement on Thursday evening, François De ⁤Brigode revealed that he would be leaving his position as the presenter of RTBF television news, a role he has held for an impressive 27 years. The veteran journalist‍ made the ⁤emotional disclosure at the end of the “Jeudi en prime” program, ‍citing his desire to pursue other passions ⁢within the realm of journalism.

A Legendary Career

De Brigode’s illustrious career ‍at RTBF spans over ‌three decades, during which ⁣he has become an iconic figure in Belgian journalism. He joined RTBF as a journalist in‌ 1985 and has since presented⁢ numerous groundbreaking programs, ⁣including election ⁣nights, “Focus,” “Answer the question,” and⁢ “Prime ‌Thursday.” One of ‍the most memorable‌ moments of ⁤his career was​ hosting the provocative “Bye Bye Belgium” program in 2006, which sparked widespread debate and commentary across the country.

A New Chapter

De Brigode will officially step down from his role as news presenter in ‌mid-November, but ‌he will ⁤not be ​saying goodbye to RTBF altogether. From January, he will take the reins of a new cultural program, ‌set to air in prime time on Friday evenings on La Une. This new venture will allow him to explore​ his passion for journalism in a different way,⁤ focusing on cultural events and projects that resonate with him.

A Lasting Legacy

De Brigode’s departure ‍from the news desk has left a void that will be⁣ difficult to fill. He has become⁤ synonymous with serious ‌and trustworthy journalism in Belgium, and his distinctive style, voice, and diction have⁤ made him a household name. His commitment to delivering high-quality news programming⁢ has earned him the respect ​of his‌ peers and the public alike.

Who Will Succeed De Brigode?

The question on everyone’s ​lips is: who will succeed De‍ Brigode as the presenter of the 7:30 p.m. news? While RTBF has not yet announced a replacement, it ⁢is expected ⁤that the new ⁤presenter ​will be revealed soon.

A Reassuring Figure

De Brigode’s⁣ legacy extends beyond his ‌impressive ‍journalism career. He has become a reassuring figure in many Belgian living rooms, a constant presence that has ​provided comfort ⁢and ​reliability in⁣ times of‌ uncertainty. His unique blend of authority, empathy, and wit has made him⁢ a⁢ beloved figure, and his departure will be deeply felt by many.

A New Era

As De Brigode embarks on this new chapter in his career, he leaves behind a legacy that will⁣ continue to ⁤inspire and inform future generations of journalists. His dedication to ​the craft has set a high standard, and‌ his influence will be felt for years to come. ⁣As the Belgian media landscape ⁢evolves, one thing is certain: ‌François De Brigode will remain an iconic figure in the world of journalism.

Keywords: François De Brigode, RTBF,‌ Belgian journalism, ‍news presenter, Bye ​Bye Belgium, cultural program, La Une, journalism legacy.



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