François Braun recognizes the “just demand” of hospital interns on strike

2023-04-28 13:12:36

On strike this Friday for their salaries and working conditions, medical interns “have a just demand” to no longer work sometimes “insane” hours, acknowledged the Minister of Health, François Braun. Overworked and underpaid, the interns are called by their unions to stop work to demand a strict count of their working time, but also a revaluation of 300 euros gross per month – or regarding 15% increase.

“They have salary demands, that’s one thing, but I think they (also) have a fair demand, which is to be treated well in the establishments, not to work completely insane hours,” said François Braun during a trip to the hospital in Epernay (Marne). Indeed, their working time “blithely exceeds the authorized legal maximum” of 48 hours per week, to reach “sometimes more than 100 hours per week”, said Guillaume Bailly, vice-president of the National Intersyndicale des interns (Isni) , on Europe 1.

“Financial penalty device”

This organization, along with others, however won its case in June 2022 before the Council of State, which reminded hospitals of their obligation to carry out a “reliable and objective” count of the working time of their doctors and interns. . A decision which did not change anything in practice, pushing several unions to attack many establishments before the administrative courts, including all of the French university hospitals – with already a first victory in Strasbourg at the end of February.

The government, for its part, introduced by decree at the beginning of the year “a financial penalty system” to sanction hospitals “which do not respect the regulations relating to the working time” of interns. “I intend that these rules be respected in all establishments, and of course my door is open to the representatives of the interns, if there are places where these rules are not respected”, insisted François Braun.

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