Franco Rinaldi justified himself: “It is a performance, it is stand up, it is not a discriminatory act against anyone”

2023-07-07 08:30:00

After the UCR will file a request so that the Electoral Board delete your application as a pre-candidate for Buenos Aires legislator, for “homophobia and discrimination”, Franco Rinaldi declared that those clippings of his streams were a “malicious political attack to Jorge Macri” and justified: “It is a artistic expression of freedomit is a moment of stand upes performance”.

He also asserted that since he is a person with a disability, he would be incapable of discriminating once morest the people who, in his videos, he described in a controversial way. “Nothing is further from me than discriminating once morest someone”he assured in a television interview with alfredo leuco in LN+ and said that claims his sayings “because it is an exercise of freedom”.

“It is a moment of artistic expression that I have exercised for many years and it is part of my previous and public life, which has to do with entertaining with the word,” said Rinaldi, referring to his streaming channel, titled A coffee with Franco.

The UCR asks Jorge Macri to remove Franco Rinaldi from his list for “homophobia and discrimination”

The candidate for representative for the PRO argued that his career must be considered: “My professional activity and public life, which has also been that of work for the inclusion of a minority sector. That agenda will go to the Legislature, along with the agenda of lowering taxes, eliminating regulations, establishing public order.”

“With which, nothing is further from me than any discriminatory act for any person, colleague, journalist, by race, gender, or anything,” he mentioned. When asked for an apology, Rinaldi said: “When one exercises that freedom may eventually offend someone and, in that case, of course I apologize, because it is a good person to do it. This, however, is part of a stand up. The first time I was on the radio I was 12 years old, I have written two books, words are my universe, my territory”.

Franco Rinaldi.

}Yes ok He clarified that he would not repeat the same wordsIn consideration of his political interests and public responsibility, he insisted that the videos that have gone viral in recent days “are recordings of one to three hours without a script, it is a show that captures things from politics and current events, it is a performance.” He also recounted that did not apologize with the journalist who received your homophobic comments for not wanting to be “opportunistic” and assured that, despite this, in recent years they had maintained a “very kind, excellent” relationship.

Franco Rinaldi: “It is an attack by raising who will be the next head of government, Jorge Macri”

In addition, Rinaldi said on the air of LN+: “I regret that these edited streams are used maliciously. I understand, however, what they are responding to: it is a attack by elevation to who will be the next head of government, Jorge Macri. The stakes are high in the City. There are many interests that are being played, but I think that Jorge is going to be a great head of government and he is going to greatly improve what he started in 2008”.

Lastly, and in reference to the act of discrimination he suffered ten days ago, by a former candidate for Parlasur deputy for space Freedom Advances who, for stating that “no one wants to vote for a disabled person”, ended up being displaced from his space, Rinaldi recalled that at the time, he did not request this resignation because he is “in favor of freedom”.

Franco Rinaldi crossed Wado de Pedro following he expressed solidarity for an act of discrimination: “Political exploitation”

In this sense, when asked if he would currently resign his candidacy due to this scandal, the candidate at the head of the list for deputy sentenced: “Absolutely not. I think consistency is important, I have publicly asked that this person not be cancelled. I deeply believe in freedom, in the Constitution, in that all people have their right to express themselves”.

Then, from his Twitter account, he added: “I want to underline what I said earlier today at the Leuco show. A coffee with Franco was and will be a live show where freedom and histrionics reign. And art show in which the fun and free thought is an inalienable goal. In all cases in which this adventure has generated some offense, my sincere apologies go. I also reiterate my vocation to promote the values ​​that brought me here, above all freedom, in addition to promoting lower taxes, fewer regulations and the return to rule of law on public roads. I am concerned that the cancel culture continues to gain ground, I reject it always and everywhere. Cheers!”.

Jorge Macri’s defense of Franco Rinaldi

Franco Rinaldi and Jorge Macri.

The pre-candidate for head of government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri, who ratified Franco Rinaldi’s nomination and stated: “I think your apology is sincere, I know you are apologizing from the heart and mean it.” He also opined that “there is no real apology, not only if there is no sincerity or learning, from the mistake or from the recognition of ‘I wouldn’t do it once more'”.

I believe in that apology and I also believe that there are other qualities. Making a reductionism that Franco Rinaldi is now only this is unfair. He has a lot to contribute to the City of Buenos Aires in his professional vision and it should not be said that he is not a candidate. You have to trust the freedom of choice of the people for representation, this is the game of democracy”, analyzed the candidate of Together for Change.

The Buenos Aires electoral justice authorized the candidacy of Jorge Macri to the head of government

“This is a tense and tough campaign, what is being discussed is profound. I am not going to enter into a discussion of chicanas. Today there is already a position of the UCR regarding his continuity as a candidate, they also raised my candidacy, there are sectors that prefer that people not choose. I am going to be a candidate. Sectors of the same space have clearly manifested themselves and I am here to discuss other things,” Jorge Macri continued in LN+.

Finally, Franco Rinaldi contributed that, in his opinion, “Jorge measures very well in the polls and they don’t know how to hit him with something else, precisely because they don’t want to compete”.


#Franco #Rinaldi #justified #performance #stand #discriminatory #act



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