Francisca Reyes, a journalist for Mega, confirmed her dismissal after 10 years at the channel: “It affected me a lot” | TV and show

The journalist was separated from the national channel a few days ago after a decade working at the television station. Although she admitted that she won’t “go around whining”, she claimed that not having been included in the coverage of the Viña Festival affected her.

After various rumors, the communicator and former Sub-editor of the morning Nice to meet you, Francisca Reyesconfirmed that she was fired from Mega after 10 years on the channel.

In conversation with LUN, the journalist took the opportunity to criticize the new format that the morning shows are taking.

“On Monday I learned that several colleagues had been fired and I suspected that mine was coming. She had to come back and she knew, she was waiting for the call, because in the last time I began to feel that I had no place in this new morning“, he reflected, as collected by Page 7.

To this he added one of the turning points of his departure from the channel: “One realizes when you are not considered and not being considered for Viña, it was key for me to realize that I was no longer in the project“.

Regarding the latter, she admitted that it was part of what affected her the most: “When I saw the Gala and the Viña Festival as a spectator, It hurted me. She affected me a lot. I like this, I vibrate with this. I like to be on screen“He said, stating that he would like to return to television.

Francisca Reyes’ criticism of the morning show format

As he recounted, the change in the morning schedule was one of the factors after his separation: “(It was not considered) since the Nice to meet you went to press He took another tack. This was five or six months ago.”.

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To which he added: “I think that the morning format should be maintained and not mixed with the press, because many things are left out, such as entertainment, bringing miscellaneous topics to people, that connect, as Channel 13 is doing“, said.

However, she stated that she “did not feel angry or stung” by the channel’s decision: “I realized that I belonged to another Nice to meet youmuch more linked to entertainment, happier“He also assured that his farewell was pleasant, which he made clear in a post on Instagram.

“One is not going to walk na’ (sic) whining for life hahaha I upload it only because it is very farewell and my team that I carry in my heart appears”he wrote next to a photograph on the channel with his colleagues.

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