Francisca García-Huidobro recalled a four-year relationship with Cristián de la Fuente: “I screwed it up” | TV and Show

The actress recalled different past relationships, including her four-year romance with the Chilean interpreter. Despite the fact that the relationship ended badly, García-Huidobro assured that today “we get along well”.

During the night of Sunday, the actress Francisca García-Huidobro wanted to share in the space from you to you his experience with the actor Cristián de la Fuente, who was his partner for four years.

The actress was talking about different relationships in her life when she assured that she just “went on TV, to the shot I began to make friends with Cristián de la Fuente”.

According to the former Foreground, the relationship even had them living together and this would have lasted four years. Also, she described the interpreter as “charming”.

But even more charming is Angelica (Castro)”, he assured immediately, to later point out that at the end of the relationship “that’s where I screwed up”.

The break between Francisca García-Huidobro and Cristián de la Fuente

“We were young and he went to the United States. Long-distance relationships are complicated and I misbehaved”he admitted, to later assure that “I have more than paid for itafter that, my life came back”.

In this, García-Huidobro confirmed that although his relationship with de la Fuente “ended badly”, the years did their thing and they currently have a good relationship. “Now we get alongI’ve interviewed him a million times,” he said.

Likewise, he wanted to joke with the break, assuring that, after all, “I am a lazy (sic.) because I confess. They didn’t catch me, I confessed.”

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The actress also recalled other relationships with faces from television and the show, assuring that she was with the actor for two years Jorge Zabaleta, however, recalled that “I passed the slit, but I think that’s what happened to us. We were more friends than boyfriends.”

Likewise, the actress assured that in that relationship “we ended up very well”.

Other couples that he remembered more fleetingly were Diego Muñoz, Mario Velasco, Manuel de Tezanos Pinto, among others.

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