France would record one million business creations in 2022

Par : Norbert| Key words : France-company| Updated on 29-12-2022

Nearly 980,000 new companies were identified during the first eleven months of 2022, which would allow the country to record the creation of one million new companies throughout the year, the French newspaper Les Echos reported on Wednesday. , citing the latest figures published by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee).

In 2021, the number of business creations in France had already reached a new record with 995,900 creations, i.e. 17% more than in 2020, the year of the previous record despite a sharp decline in creations during the first confinement in 2020. number of business creations was then nearly 80% higher than its average level over the period 2010-2017.

During the period of the COVID-19 crisis, business creation had been supported by the emergence of new home delivery services, prompted by the explosion of e-commerce. In 2022, the most significant increases were recorded in the sectors of business consulting, household services and information and communication of transport and warehousing, according to Les Echos.

The report describes this phenomenon as a “revolution of work”, evoking a “disenchantment with wage labor” among young people who “prefer to give priority to well-being, personal fulfillment” and more autonomy.

Among these new companies, more than 60% are micro-enterprises. Failures are “frequent” among young companies, the newspaper notes. And to add: “If independence is suicient, it has a downside: it does not always provide sufficient income to live on.”

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