France: what we know about the knife attack in an Arras high school

2023-10-13 13:43:27


October 13, 2023

A teacher was killed and several people were injured in a knife attack at a school in the northern French town of Arras on Friday.

What happened?

A knife attack was committed this Friday morning, around 11 a.m., at the Gambetta-Carnot high school in Arras, a public establishment in the city center which has around 2,000 students.

At the end of the morning, the assailant arrived on foot, attacked a teacher who will die in front of the school. A second teacher intervenes to defend him, he will be injured, according to a police source.

The deceased would be a French teacher, according to the testimony of another teacher, who explains that the assailant looking for a history teacher.

A alerte intrusion then resounds in the imposing building, of which only one of the three entrance doors is generally open to filter the flow of students: the young man has entered the establishment.

A new attack took place in the courtyard, describes Martin Dousseau, a philosophy teacher who witnessed the scene. He describes a panic attack during the 11 a.m. break, when the middle school students found themselves facing an armed man.

According to this teacher, the attacker attacked with his “two knives” a technical agent who was “bleeding”, before continuing with him by asking if he was a history teacher. This teacher said he was able to barricade himself behind a glass door, preventing the attacker from pounced on him.

No high school students were injured, according to a police source. Among the two injured are a security agent in absolute emergency, following having suffered several stab wounds, and a teacher in relative emergency, indicated a second police source. According to a source close to the case, the agent is “very seriously injured, between life and death”. High school students and staff were confined to the establishment.

Who is the author of the facts?

The perpetrator of the attack, Mohammed Mogouchkov, is a young man in his twenties, of Chechen origin, on file for radicalization (S file), a police source told AFP. The prefecture announced his arrest by the police.

The young man was born in Russia, according to a police source. Arriving in France in 2008, he undertook in the spring of 2021 to re-examine his asylum, according to this same source. His request having been deemed inadmissible by Ofpra, in a decision of March 2021, an appeal was presented to the National Court of Asylum the following month, then rejected in August of the same year.

Since this summer, he has also been followed by the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI), via wiretapping and physical surveillance measures, according to an intelligence source. In particular, he had been checked Thursday without any offense being able to be held once morest him. His profile “is therefore similar to a radicalized individual whose potential is known, but who suddenly decides to take actionmaking it difficult to neutralize,” this source further said.

According to AFP, French President Emmanuel Macron arrived at Arras high school shortly before 3 p.m.

According to the first elements, the perpetrator shouted “Allah Akbar”according to a police source. His brother was also arrested near another school establishment, without being in possession of a weapon, according to initial information, added another police source.

Is this a terrorist act?

The national anti-terrorism prosecution (Pnat) announced that it had opened an investigation into an assassination in connection with a terrorist enterpriseattempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise and terrorist criminal association.

The investigations were entrusted to the anti-terrorist sub-directorate of the National Directorate of the Judicial Police (Sdat), coordinating service, to the National Directorate of the Judicial Police (DNPJ) and to the DGSI.

According to a police source, “several family members were arrested for the purposes of the investigation.

What did the authorities say?

According to AFP, French President Emmanuel Macron arrived at Arras high school shortly before 3 p.m. The Minister of Education, Gabriel Attaland the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, are also on site. French police have called for people to avoid the center of Arras due to the ongoing police operation.

For their part, the deputies suspended their current work in the National Assembly to express their solidarity with the educational community and the victims of the attack.

“We have just learned of terrible events which took place in a school in the city of Arras, we are waiting to know what happened, but the National Assembly is already expressing its solidarity and her thoughts with the victims, their loved ones and the educational community as a whole,” said the vice-president Naïma Mouchouwho adjourned the current session in the hemicycle, following consultation with the political groups and the government.

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