France: The Quintessential Champion of Eccentric Medical Certificates

2024-09-11 04:30:00

If you have children, or if you play sports in a club, you know that going to your doctor is essential to obtain the famous sesame that is the medical certificate of no contraindication to sports practice. If these certificates are necessary – even if we could think of adjustments to better regulate their issuance – it is other certificates that are in the sights of the College of General Medicine (CMH). There are many of them and sometimes they are funny!

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The CMG denounces the numerous consultations carried out unnecessarily, their astronomical cost, and the time lost for more urgent ones. The hole in the state coffers will force the new government to hunt down unnecessary expenses, let’s bet that it will look into the subject of absurd medical certificates to find some simple savings to be made.

Illegal or unfounded certificates

In a press release issued at the end of August, the CMG denounced the proliferation of illegal medical certificates and addressed insurance companies in particular. The latter have an unfortunate tendency to request medical information covered by medical confidentiality in situations such as a death or a trip cancellation, which is absolutely illegal.

ALSO READ Paid leave and sick leave: confusion and legal uncertaintyMany certificates are abusively requested, such as sports certificates for clubs not affiliated with a federation and which do not respect the schedule provided by the federations but which follow their simple internal regulations. Schools are a major requester of medical certificates, trust being, unfortunately, not the rule. Thus, certificates are necessary to justify absences from the school canteen, the leisure center as well as in the event of simple absence due to illness. Finally, local authorities use and abuse requests for certificates to, for example, change a shower or carry out work to accommodate people with disabilities.

Areas for improvement

The CMG proposes a number of avenues for improvement, some of which are based on trust. Short-term sick leave and school absences could be self-declared rather than requiring a visit to the treating physician. The CMG also proposes the elimination of the certificate of no contraindication to community care and the transfer of certain tasks to other professions. All of this would have the immediate effect of freeing up medical time for doctors, who are sorely lacking it, and whose waiting times are constantly lengthening.

ALSO READ Work stoppages: can we trust employees? Doctors suffer from the accumulation of administrative tasks that are far removed from their core business and which discourage young doctors from setting up. Finally, the expected savings could be quite significant, which is valuable in the hunt for crazy expenses. If one unnecessary consultation per day were eliminated among the 60,000 established general practitioners, the State would save… 1 million euros per day, which would also have the effect of freeing up consultation slots and limiting the use of emergency services that are too often clogged by patients who have not managed to get an appointment in town.

#France #champion #absurd #medical #certificates

Here are a few People Also Ask (PAA) questions related ⁢to the title “The Issue⁢ of Medical Certificates: A Critique of Instant Online Certificates and Unnecessary Requests”:

The Issue⁢ of Medical Certificates: A Critique of Instant Online Certificates and Unnecessary ⁤Requests

Medical certificates have​ become an essential part of our ⁢lives, whether it’s⁢ for ⁤sports,‍ school, or work-related purposes. However, the proliferation of instant online medical certificates and ⁢unnecessary ​requests for these certificates have raised concerns among medical professionals and policymakers alike.

Instant Online ⁣Medical Certificates: A Joke?

Recent reports have criticized instant online‌ medical certificates, calling them “a‌ joke” [[1]]. These certificates, which ⁢can be obtained online without⁢ a proper medical consultation,‌ have⁢ raised questions about ​their legitimacy and the potential consequences of relying on‌ them. Employers, in particular,‌ have been urged to reconsider their ‌acceptance of these certificates, as​ they‍ may not accurately​ reflect‍ an individual’s health status.

Unnecessary Requests for Medical Certificates

Doctors have also spoken out against unnecessary requests ​for medical certificates, which they claim are wasting their time and resources. Dr. Max Mollenkopf, a Newcastle GP,⁤ has advocated for​ employers to stop requiring‍ medical ⁣certificates ⁤for employees to take‌ time off work [[2]][[3]]. According to‌ Dr. ‍Mollenkopf, these ⁣requests are often unnecessary and can be⁤ self-declared by employees.

Illegal or Unfounded ‌Certificates

The College of General Medicine (CMG) has also denounced the proliferation of illegal⁣ medical certificates, particularly those requested by insurance companies ​in situations where medical confidentiality is breached [[4]]. Additionally, certificates are often requested by ​schools, local authorities, and other organizations for trivial ‌purposes, such as justifying absences from the school‍ canteen or leisure center.

Areas for Improvement

To⁣ address these issues, ​the CMG‍ has‍ proposed several‍ avenues⁣ for improvement, including ‌the elimination⁤ of‍ unnecessary certificates and‍ the​ transfer of⁢ certain tasks to other⁤ professions.⁣ Short-term sick⁤ leave and school absences could be self-declared, rather than requiring a visit to the treating physician. This would free up ⁢medical⁢ time for ​doctors, who​ are sorely lacking it, and reduce waiting⁣ times.


The issue of medical certificates is a complex one, with⁣ multiple stakeholders⁣ involved. While medical⁢ certificates are essential for certain purposes, such as sports and school activities, unnecessary‍ requests‌ and instant ‌online certificates are undermining ⁢the system. By addressing these⁤ issues‍ and⁤ implementing improvements, we⁢ can ensure that medical certificates‍ are used ⁤responsibly⁤ and ⁣effectively.





[[4]](Le Point article)

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Disadvantages of telemedicine in rural areas

The Issue of Medical Certificates: A Critique of Instant Online Certificates and Unnecessary Requests

Medical certificates have become an essential document in various aspects of life, including sports, education, and employment. However, the College of General Medicine (CMG) has raised concerns about the proliferation of illegal and unfounded medical certificates, which not only waste resources but also compromise medical confidentiality.

Illegal or Unfounded Certificates

The CMG has denounced the astronomical cost and time lost due to unnecessary medical consultations, which could be better utilized for more urgent cases. Insurance companies, in particular, have been accused of requesting medical information illegitimately, especially in situations such as death or trip cancellations.

Other instances of abusive medical certificate requests include sports certificates for clubs not affiliated with a federation, school requests for certificates to justify absences from the school canteen or leisure center, and local authorities’ requests for certificates to accommodate people with disabilities.

Areas for Improvement

To address these issues, the CMG proposes several avenues for improvement. One suggestion is to allow self-declaration for short-term sick leave and school absences, eliminating the need for a doctor’s visit. Additionally, the CMG recommends eliminating the certificate of no contraindication to community care and transferring certain tasks to other professions.

By implementing these changes, medical time can be freed up for doctors, who are struggling with constantly lengthening waiting times. Moreover, this shift towards trust-based systems could lead to improved efficiency and reduced unnecessary expenses.

The Role of Medical Professionals and Organizations

Medical professionals, including international medical graduates [[3]], play a crucial role in ensuring the legitimacy and necessity of medical certificates. Organizations like CMG Medical Limited [[1]], which provides training and certification services, can also contribute to promoting best practices in medical certification.


The issue of medical certificates is a complex one, with both legal and ethical implications. By addressing the proliferation of illegal and unfounded certificates, and implementing improvements to the system, we can ensure that medical resources are utilized more efficiently and effectively.


[1] CMG Medical Limited

[2] CMG Training

[3] Differences between international medical graduates and…

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