2023-05-10 07:56:44
France will set up lanes on which cars with at least two occupants will be able to travel, the aim being of course to encourage carpooling as well as to relieve congestion on the country’s roads.
According to HLN, the A48 motorway between Lyon and Grenoble will be the first to put this system in place, with this new sign as a signal: a white diamond on a point. This should be effective from June.
If you drive alone on this lane, expect to receive a fine! So pay attention to the panel because it will be a smart model that will not be active all day but only at certain times. According to the French site Caradisiac, the fine in the event of non-compliance amounts to 135 euros. The number of passengers on board is controlled by a radar system that works with artificial intelligence.
#careful #sign #holiday #route #risk #fine