France evokes a possible end of the vaccine pass as early as “late March, early April”

France believes that there are “reasons to hope” that “at the end of March-beginning of April we will be able to lift the vaccination pass,” due to the improvement of the health situation, French government spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Wednesday.

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“The level of hospitalized people remains very high, higher than the record we had experienced in the spring of 2020, but in the projections we make (…), there are reasons to hope that by this time horizon the situation will have improved sufficiently for us to be able to lift these final measures,” he said.

On the contamination front, “the frank decline, we are there,” the spokesman added.

For his part, Alain Fischer, chairman of the Vaccine Strategy Steering Board, estimated before the Senate on Wednesday that a lifting of the vaccine pass was conceivable “by the end of March” at the beginning of “April” if a series of conditions were met.

“From a scientific and medical point of view, we need a reduced incidence rate, we are at 2,500. “it means a lot less, at least 10 or 20 times less, but there are elements of context, to give you a figure would not make sense,” he said.

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He also spoke of the need that “the current hospital overload has disappeared, that hospitals return to a normal working state and that non-COVID patients can be treated without delay, without delay”. There also needs to be “high booster vaccination coverage,” he said.

Alain Fischer stressed that the foresight exercise was “fragile ground”, but according to him “it can go quite quickly”, because the incidence decreases “quite quickly”.

Gabriel Attal abounded, indicating that the vaccination pass would be lifted “as soon as there is a normalization of the situation in the hospital, that is to say that there will no longer be a hospital under very high tension due to COVID”.

The death toll in France since the outbreak began stood at 133,614 on Tuesday night. More than 80% of the total population has received at least one vaccine injection, while 78.5% is fully vaccinated with two doses.



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