France: a woman hit by a meteorite on a terrace

2023-07-14 17:02:15


A woman hit by a meteorite on a terrace

Two friends were out in the middle of the night in Alsace when a noise was heard on the roof and one of them felt a shock on the side.

PostedJuly 14, 2023, 7:02 PM

There is only a one in 100 million chance of being hit by a meteorite.


On July 6, two women were on a terrace at 4 a.m. in Schirmeck, Alsace. They suddenly heard the sound of a crash on the roof and then one of the women felt something hit her ribs. They first thought of a bat, but it was much more exceptional

They discovered several fragments of what turned out to be a meteorite, as can be seen in images released by the “Latest news from Alsace”. Its weight is 105 grams and there is only one chance (or risk, it depends on the circumstances) in 100 million of being hit by a meteorite. In this case, the woman only had a bruise on her side.

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