France 2030, an ambitious decarbonization component

2023-10-19 09:30:52

Through the France 2030 investment program, France is pursuing several objectives. One of them aims to decarbonize our industrial tool, to bring it into the era of sobriety and then carbon neutrality, in 2050.

The countries of the European Union have committed to a trajectory of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, through the program “Fit for 55”, which aims to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990. The levers to achieve these objectives are numerous: massification of renewable energies, electrification of transport, production of carbon-free hydrogen, etc. for the particular case of France, increasing the availability of nuclear energy will be essential, for example.

Industry is obviously a sector of activity which will have to continue and amplify the decarbonization of its activity, in proportions never seen before. On a national level, this ambition is supported by the SNBC (national low carbon strategy) revised.

This breakthrough requires efforts to save energy and achieve ever greater energy efficiency. The decarbonization of French industry has this specificity: it must take shape simultaneously with another strong desire, namely the reindustrialization of the territory and the relocation of certain industrial activities deemed essential to ensure French industrial sovereignty. The plan France 2030 carries this ambition.

As part of France 2030, the acceleration of industry decarbonization strategies is today driven by the PACTE Industrie calls for projects program. The latter replaces several financing programs that previously existed, through the CEE (Energy Savings Certificates) system. They enable manufacturers, through financing and training, to implement actions to reduce their carbon impact and carry out the energy transition of their activities.

The PACTE program brings together all of these actions with the aim of proposing more understandable and effective strategies. ADEME and ATEE are jointly supporting this program, with 49 million euros for the period 2023/2026, both in terms of training and support.

Subsequently, manufacturers will be able to benefit fromone of the two calls for tender set up to support them financially in the implementation of decarbonization strategies for their activities.

As a reminder, as part of France 2030, 140 decarbonization projects have already been selected and financially supported following the first calls for projects launched in 2020.

The first call for projects, DECARB IND 2023 – launched in April 2023 -, should enable manufacturers to reduce their emissions, through four aspects: energy efficiency, modification of the energy mix, modification of the material mix, carbon capture, recovery and storage. 5 billion euros will be allocated specifically to the winners of the DECARB IND calls for projects, which will end in December 2023, and concerns projects with an investment of more than three million euros.

The second call for projects, DECARB IND+, focuses on the deep decarbonization of industrial sites through energy efficiency, the electrification of processes, the use of renewable hydrogen or even decarbonized (or low carbon) electrolysis. These large-scale projects see their eligibility linked to the investment, which must be between 50 and 200 million euros.

In total, the France 2030 plan provides funding of 5.6 billion euros.

However, it is appropriate to also consider funding that does not directly concern the decarbonization of our industry but the development of sectors that contribute to the ongoing energy transition, and therefore generally to reducing the carbon impact of industrial activities. We are thinking here, for example, of investments made in the hydrogen or automobile sectors, for example. In total, nearly 54 million euros are being invested through France 2030, and which affect, directly or very closely, the greening of French industry.

By Pierre Thouverez

#France #ambitious #decarbonization #component



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