Fractured Pipeline: Europe Teeters as Ukraine Cuts Russia’s Energy Umbilical Cord

The Ministry of Economy says there is no need to worry.

Germany has completely abandoned Russian gas / photo UNIAN

The German government insists that it is not worried about Ukraine’s decision not to continue the transit of Russian gas to Europe.

Writes about this ntvciting a statement from the German Ministry of Economics. It is noted that the country is able to maintain natural gas supplies not only to the south and east of Germany, but also to neighboring countries, even if transit through Ukraine is stopped.

“German liquefied natural gas terminals are an insurance policy against natural gas shortages, even for European countries that do not have access to the coast,” the statement said.

Ukraine will stop gas transit from Russia

As you know, in 2019, NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine and the Russian Gazprom entered into an agreement on gas transit through Ukrainian territory. His term expires this year.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal stated that Kyiv does not plan to discuss with Russia the extension of this agreement or the approval of a new one.

During a recent press conference with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, he repeated his statement and called on all European countries to completely abandon Russian oil and gas.

As is known, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary have so far received gas from Russia through Ukraine. Fico said that he wanted to convince Ukraine to maintain transit.

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