FPÖ – Vilimsky to Karas: “It does not need EU taxes, but more sovereignty and self-determination!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-25 11:07:05

FPÖ clearly rejects calls for further rip-offs and burdens on citizens

Vienna (OTS) – “Brussels does not need any further powers and certainly no EU taxes of its own, but quite the opposite, a return of Austrian sovereignty and self-determination,” said Harald Vilimsky, liberal delegation leader in the European Parliament, statements by the ÖVP Vice President of the Austrian Parliament EU Parliament Othmar Karas a clear rejection. The introduction of EU taxes would namely further accelerate the “centralization process of the Union, which is already being pushed forward by the Brussels establishment, at the expense of the citizens”.

The EU is failing in all important policy areas, be it protecting the external borders against illegal mass immigration or securing prosperity, and is actually working against the interests of the citizens. “The self-proclaimed Brussels elite, to which Karas also belongs, has entangled the EU in the Ukraine war with the self-destructive sanctions regime and arms deliveries, also co-financed by Austrian taxpayers through the cynical ‘peace facility’, and is leaving an unprecedented burden program with the Green Deal the citizens roll. Therefore, there must not be another cent of money from Austria, neither through a budget increase nor through EU taxes! We Liberals are the only stable force that is clearly fighting against this rip-off,” said the Liberal delegation leader.

Vilimsky also recalled the corruption scandals surrounding the Social Democrats and the EPP in the EU Parliament and the dubious 30 billion euro vaccine deal, for which the so-called “Pfizer chats” are still being kept secret by EU Commission President von der Leyen: “At the European level Therefore, all levers for savings and the fight against corruption should be set in motion instead of calling for even more powers and more money from the citizens plagued by inflation!”

Related Articles:  Invitation: PK of the People's Party on the topic “Believe in Austria: Working successfully vs. insubstantial attacks”

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