FPÖ – Steger: Federal government implements long-standing freedom demand! | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-06 04:05:35

Deductibility of donations for sports clubs was long overdue – clubs must not be hindered with high bureaucratic hurdles

Vienna (OTS) – For many years, the FPÖ has insisted on extending the deductibility of donations to sports clubs. So far, the deductibility of donations in the arts and culture sector was linked to the receipt of federal or state subsidies, in the sports sector it was de facto non-existent. From January 1, 2024 it should be so far, FPÖ sports spokeswoman NAbg was also happy. Petra Steger: “It took a long time. Countless times, liberal motions and initiatives in this area have been rejected by the governing parties or simply pigeonholed. Now things are finally moving.”

A crying eye remains, however, because the number of sports clubs that are now looking forward to additional, so urgently needed financial means thanks to the deductibility of donations has decreased in recent years. “During the Corona period, many clubs had to give up and shut down their operations – a result of the failed measures taken by the federal government, which both banned sports and at the same time gave the clubs too little compensation to be able to get through the Corona period. But inflation has also put many clubs to the test with the enormous rise in prices for energy and rents. The cessation of ORF Sport + will cause even more financial gaps. The support for sports clubs through the donation deductibility that is now being presented should have been given much earlier,” affirmed the FPÖ sports spokeswoman.

Until it will be possible to deduct donations to sports clubs on January 1, 2024, it must be ensured that no bureaucratic hurdles are set up. With a simple application, the clubs should be able to apply for inclusion in the list of those clubs for which donation deductibility applies. FPÖ sports spokeswoman NAbg. Petra Steger: “The federal government must give the non-profit sports clubs a leap of faith and not a leap of faith.”

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