FPÖ – Schrangl to Kogler: The housing developer turns himself into a renovation gardener | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2024-02-11 12:36:14

Are the Greens also following Maggy Thatcher’s path?

Vienna (OTS) – “This federal government can hardly be surpassed in terms of incompetence. After all, it was the Black-Green Party that significantly restricted housing cooperatives’ ability to renovate through the ill-thought-out design of the rent cap. An attempt is being made here to remediate the consequences of our own actions,” commented FPÖ building spokesman NAbg. Mag. Philipp Schrangl the latest statements from Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler.

“It really is a goat turning into a gardener. A mere construction and renovation program is better than nothing. But only slightly better. That would just be a consolation. There is a need for structural, permanent compensation for the shortfall in income of non-profit building associations through the rent cap. Otherwise, the renovation work will structurally weaken,” Schrangl called for far-reaching measures. “In addition, a federal subsidy for housing subsidies is required in order to increase this to one percent of GDP,” said Schrangl, repeating a key FPÖ demand.

“I also miss Werner Kogler’s clear demarcation from the Nehammer-ÖVP’s plans to sell off social housing. In fact, giving away apartments that don’t belong to you is not housing policy. Especially not when tenants have to foot the bill in the form of rising rent levels,” added Schrangl. “Werner Kogler has to declare himself: Is he too following the neoliberal path of Maggy Thatcher’s housing policy? Does he also want to dismantle non-profit housing?” Schrangl asked himself and announced corresponding initiatives in the National Council.

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