FPÖ – Rauch: “The usual ÖVP PR show – ÖVP votes against the preservation of combustion engines!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-01 14:46:11

“The FPÖ is the only party to clearly speak out once morest the policy of the ‘green’ transformation, which only entails bans and additional burdens for the citizen.”

Vienna (OTS) “The FPÖ is the only party to clearly speak out once morest the policy of ‘green’ transformation, which only entails bans and additional burdens for citizens. Because while the Green Minister Gewessler flies around in world history more on the plane than to take care of the burning issues in Austria, she would like to forbid responsible citizens to take vacations so that they don’t burden the climate too much. We therefore call on the federal government once once more to position itself vehemently once morest the EU’s forced ban on petrol and diesel vehicles and to immediately drop all plans that would mean a tightening of the ban on combustion engines,” said the liberal environmental spokesman NAbg. Walter Rauch in today’s special session of the National Council and reiterated: “We are in favor of suspending the merit order principle, for the abolition of the CO2 tax and of course the sanctions once morest Russia must finally be lifted so that there is one last chance for our economy and thus a chance to maintain the modest prosperity in Austria.”

With a motion for a resolution, the FPÖ once once more called on the federal government – ​​in particular the ÖVP – to speak out clearly in favor of preserving the internal combustion engine. For the FPÖ environmental spokesman, the fact that the application was rejected by all parties and also the ÖVP is “further evidence of the black PR show policy without concrete improvements or positive changes for the Austrians”: “Like everything from the ÖVP comes, the mobility summit last held by Chancellor Nehammer was also a pure PR show. Because while the ÖVP wanted to pretend that they were once morest the end of the combustion engine by 2035, the green ‘jet set minister’ Gewessler recently pushed ahead and called for new registrations of combustion engines to be banned as early as 2027. This government is only causing chaos, because where is the planning security for the mobile industry and its suppliers, for the economy in general and above all for the consumers, i.e. the citizens?”

ÖVP Finance Minister Brunner also has no plan as to how he can compensate for the enormous hole in the state treasury due to the almost complete elimination of mineral oil tax: “This is an enormous challenge for the state budget and of course raises the question of whether the federal government should not also fill this hole a new tax, such as a car tax or a nationwide road or kilometer toll. The citizens will then be assigned their own political failures and burdened with new taxes in times of an inflation crisis and a massive wave of price increases.”

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Liberal Parliament Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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