FPÖ presented federal list: Upper Austrian in second place

In recent weeks, it had already been rumored that the Upper Austrian FP politician and member of the National Council, Susanne Fürst, could hope for a good position on the Freedom Party’s federal list for the National Council elections on September 29. With second place, she is virtually guaranteed to be re-elected.



Susanne Fürst (FP)

Otherwise, there are few surprises on the federal list published today. Party leader Herbert Kickl leads the list, followed by General Secretary Christian Hafenecker (3rd place) and Dagmar Belakowitsch and Michael Schnedlitz (4th and 5th places), close confidants of Kickl.

Other Upper Austrian candidates include Rosa Ecker from Mühlviertel (10th place) and the former ÖBB CFO and current Transdanubia managing director Arnold Schiefer. The latter is also considered a personnel reserve if the Blues participate in the government.

Chairman Herbert Kickl described the fact that the first 30 places were occupied alternately by a man and a woman for the first time in the party’s history as a “zipper system”. “The prejudice that the FPÖ is a male-dominated party is finally history with this federal list.”



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