FPÖ – Nepp: Ottakring murder is the result of the welcome policy of the Ludwig SPÖ

2023-07-03 19:03:35

Vienna must become the deportation capital of Europe

Vienna (OTS) – “The tragic murder of a 28-year-old woman in Vienna Ottakring is the result of the SPÖ’s welcome policy under Mayor Ludwig. But ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer and his Minister of the Interior Karner are also unable to protect our borders and bear a great deal of responsibility. If the Ludwig-SPÖ continues to lure social migrants from all over the world to Vienna with gifts of money and the Nehammer-ÖVP lets them cross the borders, we will soon experience conditions similar to those in France. The red-black-green integration policy has failed. Vienna must finally become the deportation capital of Europe,” said Vienna FPÖ chairman Dominik Nepp in a first statement.

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