FPÖ – Nepp/Kopschar: District leader Derfler’s resignation is an admission of the failure of the red mass immigration policy

2023-06-20 17:15:09

Ludwig let the SPÖ district leader run into the knife

Vienna (OTS) – “The resignation of the Brigittenau district manager Derfler following his scandalous interview in the Kronenzeitung is the admission of the failure of the mass immigration policy under SPÖ Mayor Ludwig,” said the Viennese FPÖ boss, City Councilor Dominik Nepp. After the machete murder and the rapes, the red district chief saw no danger for the population, did not perceive any Islamist moral guardians and also declared that there were no hotspot schools in Brigittenau.

Nepp and the chairwoman of the FPÖ-Brigittenau, Birgit Kopschar, assume that the red “Message Control” from SPÖ-Ludwig let the district manager run into the knife argumentatively. “The district manager has apparently recognized the reality, namely that SPÖ Mayor Ludwig is luring criminal social migrants to Vienna with gifts of money, they often become criminals and the Viennese suffer from the dramatic conditions in Vienna. Apparently he was not allowed to admit this in the said interview. The FPÖ is the only force that protects the Viennese from these developments in the city and in the individual districts.”

The Viennese FPÖ chairman also criticizes the ÖVP. “ÖVP Federal Chancellor Nehammer and his Minister of the Interior Karner allowed these criminal migrants across the Austrian borders and thus also to Vienna. The ÖVP is partly responsible for these conditions and their criticism is pure hypocrisy,” said Nepp.

Kopschar demands the appointment of a district manager who will face reality and stand up for the interests of the district residents without ifs or buts. “It is to be feared that the SPÖ will appoint a compliant assistant of the Ludwig SPÖ to office, who will continue the denial of reality and the unrestricted welcome policy,” criticizes Kopschar, who personally wishes the outgoing district leader all the best.

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